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turbo lina

July 8, 2024 by nuzzlocke
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Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Lina

Hero Skills

Combustion (Innate)

Dragon Slave

2 3

Light Strike Array


Fiery Soul

Laguna Blade


Hero Talents

+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells
125% Laguna Blade Damage into barrier
+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack
-25s Laguna Blade Cooldown
+150 Light Strike Array Damage
5% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack
-3.5s Dragon Slave Cooldown
+25 Damage

turbo lina

July 8, 2024

turbo lina

Basically an intelligence version of Clinkz.

Start with 2 null talismans + stick (basic) and boots

0st item boots of travel
1st item shadow blade
2nd item orchid
3rd item daedalus
4th item bloodthorn
5th item daedalus
6th item moonshard (consume)

satanic / bkb / linken / cuirass whatever semi-defensive item

Of course if there is PA in the game get mkb after SB asap.

tactic is go around the map with shadow blade and W - orchid - R (12 stacks) - auto to death.

She can easily dish out enough damage to kill anything in one stun, but suffers miserably against illusion heroes esp PL.

It's quite fun!

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