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11 Votes

Tryhard Bounty Hunter

July 13, 2015 by Sliderpro
Comments: 41    |    Views: 20819    |   

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Yeisen | January 5, 2017 3:13am
Sorry, i didnt wanted to see this, i didnt liked it. Completely not :p
XninjamonketX | October 22, 2015 4:35pm
ok nice explanation but terrible do not get there is attest 10 items u say to purchase and not purchase items you may need ex orchid great for killing high health heroes any why do you need battle fury it sucks **** on this hero
Sliderpro | July 9, 2015 7:53am

Not trying to be offensive, but this like much of the guide you have created, makes absolutely no sense to me. 1000 total dmg from nyx with a dagon? I mean I know it depends on who he is hitting, but against int heroes mana burn does insane damage. His team fight is also amazing with blink and aghs. A bounty hunter (who doesn't build vlads, blink, bkb or scythe ever) will bring little else other than vision to the fight. If they have a gem or sentries how will you even get close enough for shuriken let alone Jinada? Linkins seems like a hell of a lot of an investment on a hero who is rarely a priority target.

Early game all BH needs is lvl 2 and an orb of venom and he can make kills happen, scout movement and wards and snipe the courier. What can Nyx do before 6?

It is not ALL he needs. Most of the time it is depending on his positioning. For example, vs a triline, dual line and solo line - three completely different situations. If bounty is solo vs triline, what early kills? Staying alife is a priority. If it is vs dual line, pretty close, but again, depending on enemy heroes, but no solo killing, you will need miders help for this. If it is vs another solo player - then yes, you may play agressively and aim to get early kills

If enemy gets wards or gem - it is the same as for all heroes, that rely on invisibility - Wait for your team initiation. And again, Bounty is not a Riki - Bounty has no need to stay close to hot place. He needs to be able to cast a throw and maybe give crit, but definetely he doesnt need to stay in the middle and tank. Linken passive is a one hell of investment, which (in this particular situation I mean) allows you to safely get out and never need regen and Boots of Travel are an investment which allows you to get to your target much, much faster. Bkb is usually bad, because its usual purpose is to allow you to get out by purging must things - and this can be done by a lotus, which builds much much easier and 10 armor give a lot more physical survivability, than 10 str from bkb. Force staff is surprisingly good too. And as for vlads - I don't like this item because WE don't benefit much from it. Solar crest is by far a better utility item for this hero and -16 armor reduction with a desolator is a holy **** of extra damage to squishy heroes + is incredible if your team needs to take somebody eith high armor. + If you are mostly ganking, vlad becomes just about useless, as its mana regen, lifesteal, health regen - are a totall **** for bounty hunter above average mana consumption and a simple preservance is a much better regen item. Vlad has everything except stat bonus as an aura - if you totally need it, you can ask supports to build vlads.
Smuggels (82) | July 9, 2015 7:36am
ok guys. putting a stop to this now. no more comments except those relating to the guide.

michimatsch (26) | July 9, 2015 7:13am
Okay maybe I didn't explain my point good enough.
I meant that this guy seems to not be interested in what you say and he is highly unwillingly to listen to anything you say.
I know that we want to help guys here (heck why do you think I am here?) but this guy does just not listen.
Dr Taco Monster | July 9, 2015 5:03am
Sliderpro wrote:

Yes, Nyx sits pretty close to bounty hunter in some aspect - mostly in burst ganking. However, Nyx Assassin vs Bounty Hunter has several big differences.

Nyx Assassin scales much worse into lategame. His base is dagon+skills and he can roughly deal ~1000 damage, some more damage with E-Blade. Besides that - he can't do anything. His early-mid game is much stronger than of bounty hunter too and most of the times Nyx is picked for faster game-ending. Nyx has 0 teamfight presence, where Bounty Hunter can be good-average too, regardless of his inventory

Not trying to be offensive, but this like much of the guide you have created, makes absolutely no sense to me. 1000 total dmg from nyx with a dagon? I mean I know it depends on who he is hitting, but against int heroes mana burn does insane damage. His team fight is also amazing with blink and aghs. A bounty hunter (who doesn't build vlads, blink, bkb or scythe ever) will bring little else other than vision to the fight. If they have a gem or sentries how will you even get close enough for shuriken let alone Jinada? Linkins seems like a hell of a lot of an investment on a hero who is rarely a priority target.

Early game all BH needs is lvl 2 and an orb of venom and he can make kills happen, scout movement and wards and snipe the courier. What can Nyx do before 6?
Sliderpro | July 8, 2015 7:15pm
michimatsch wrote:

I don't get why you are all being so nice to this guy. He proofed multiple times that he is just a ****head that has no idea what he does and won't even think about what he says what you says...anyways this is not what we want on Dotafire (If i am wrong correct me)

Sorry to interrupt, but if you are having personal issues with me, my guide, my point or view, my word selection and else - you are free to report whatever you don't like to authorities and/or stop acting like hysterical girl.
Oh and btw I believe you are too early to say something about Dotafire website or its community.

Please sent me a PM if you are having further issues. Any relevant comment would be appreciated.
Sliderpro | July 8, 2015 7:01pm
TheSofa wrote:

Hello again, SliderPro!

I've been reading the comments so far... and I've noticed a couple of things:

First of all, Bounty Hunter has a way better early game than Nyx Assassin, not the other way around. Mostly because BH has invis at level one and Nyx gets his at 6.

Third, (I get that you've said it) you need to realize that your build only works in certain situations. It's true that your build works, but the builds that are suggested to you also work, and maybe even better in certain situation

I am not good Nyx players, so I may be mistaken, but don't agree with Bounty having better early game than Nyx for a huge list of reasons. For example, Bounty has low starting damage + terrible attack animation, compared with one of the greatest attack animations (IMO) of Nyx. Nyx has his spiked thing which stuns + low cooldown nuke, which stuns. And Bounty Hunter has just invis, which won't help him in early game if he gets dusted.

So no, I totally don't agree with your statement, that Nyx has worse early game.

About my guide only applying only to certant situations -- YES GOD YES, that is totally true! It works in certant situations only!
There are no truly versatile hero in dota 2, who has ALL the roles.
Clever player checks enemy picks, his team pick and takes a strategic decision what roles his team would need and what hero can satisfy this need.
I never stated that this Bounty Hunter build is universal to any kind of situation, because it isn't. Heroes are not meant for all kinds of situations, but to deal with just several situations/strategies and to deal with them better, than other heroes.
Each pick is situational and clever decision. You don't pick hero and try to make him do, what he doesn't do best. Your statement is correct. This guide is for reflecting my opinion on what this hero does best and is meant for those, who want to get max from bounty hunter hero. It is not meant for those, who want make him some universal hero to fit all needs. Heroes are picked to deal with certain situations. I believe, that this hero does best (overall) - just what I wrote in the guide. Because I don't belive in universal heroes in Dota 2.

And if somebody tries to make him arcane boots, vlad, drums, hex, orchid and meka holder - it is their freedom of choice. Nobody said you can't deal with situation however you like. My iron statement is that Bounty Hunter has his primarily role. Many people in the comment try to mix that hero with somebody else by giving (as a viable) items he can't utilize to full potential. I might agree to the fact that is game is unique and you can't play hero by book only and have to adapt to situation, but otherwise - when person isn't sure how to play hero and checks guides for him - he should be granted a clean vision of what hero is best used for and where he is, like, at not his full effeciency.

Thanks for the comment though, as this may enlighten some people who waste space in the comments section.
TheSofa (54) | July 8, 2015 4:17pm
michimatsch wrote:

I don't get why you are all being so nice to this guy. He proofed multiple times that he is just a ****head that has no idea what he does and won't even think about what he says what you says...anyways this is not what we want on Dotafire (If i am wrong correct me)

You are wrong. And I'm here to correct you.

We want these people on DotAfire. Because what?

Because we're here to teach them.

Everyone started like this. When I first played DotA, I thought Shadow Blade Morphling was good.

But the people of DotAfire pointed out kindly that BKB was a better option.

That's the spirit of DotAfire. Helping people who need it, not the people who don't.
Timminatorr (57) | July 8, 2015 4:11pm
Sliderpro wrote:

Yes, Nyx sits pretty close to bounty hunter in some aspect - mostly in burst ganking. However, Nyx Assassin vs Bounty Hunter has several big differences.

Nyx Assassin scales much worse into lategame. His base is dagon+skills and he can roughly deal ~1000 damage, some more damage with E-Blade. Besides that - he can't do anything. His early-mid game is much stronger than of bounty hunter too and most of the times Nyx is picked for faster game-ending. Nyx has 0 teamfight presence, where Bounty Hunter can be good-average too, regardless of his inventory

Bounty hunter is a bit different. He has terrible early game and average midgame (compared to excellent midgame for Nyx) and is average-good player in lategame, where Nyx is mostly just a creep (jokingly).

Technically, they have same role, however Nyx gets strong very fast and over time gets less and less "strong", where Bounty Hunter scales slower and starts losing his usability much slower too.

But yes, they are somewhat simular.

ok so lets get some things straight. you are probably a sub 3k player who thinks he knows a lot. maybe slightly above 3k but that doesnt really matter.
Bounty's time is from 0-10 minutes. he is an earlygame ganker because he wont get the time to farm, and unless you play in the low 3k and below ranges you will never get enough kills to actually get damage items.
people will place sentries and not be out of position. therefore you gank earlygame when they cant afford sentries in every lane, and your rightclick and slow are still relevant.
after that the farm stops coming and your income will be unreliable.

nyx is much better lategame because he has a stun which is the same length as ravage, and that is why blink is core and dagon situational, and an insane scaling on his manaburn. bounty has track and a meh nuke.
ChiChi (47) | July 8, 2015 3:16pm
michimatsch wrote:

I don't get why you are all being so nice to this guy. He proofed multiple times that he is just a ****head that has no idea what he does and won't even think about what he says what you says...anyways this is not what we want on Dotafire (If i am wrong correct me)

Michi, the rule here is forgive, forget and move on :)

Since I don't play Bounty Hunter and only know the hero by third persons, I didn't even upvote nor downvoted this guide, and was just kidding around with Hamstertamer now.

Sometimes we just need to hear that maybe we're not as right as we thought we are and that there are different but equally valid opinions, in order to grow and mature (in life, aka, in Dotka).

PS: ChiChi for Peace Nobel Prize or Life Philosophies Honorari Phd!
michimatsch (26) | July 8, 2015 2:47pm
I don't get why you are all being so nice to this guy. He proofed multiple times that he is just a ****head that has no idea what he does and won't even think about what he says what you says...anyways this is not what we want on Dotafire (If i am wrong correct me)
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