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Troll warlord " I'll kill you later keeper"

April 11, 2013 by sidrulzzz
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Godlike method

DotA2 Hero: Troll Warlord

Hero Skills

Battle Stance (Innate)

Whirling Axes (Ranged)

1 5 10 12

Whirling Axes (Melee)

1 5 10 12


2 4 7 8

Berserker's Rage

3 9 13 14

Battle Trance

6 11 16


15 17 18

Troll warlord " I'll kill you later keeper"

April 11, 2013

enemies to worry about

First Of All thank you for everything and this is my first ever dota 2 guide
Lets just get straight to the point
troll warlord is pretty much my favorite hero due to his ability to switch between melee and ranged
first of all you need to know some important things about troll warlord
The heroes that troll should avoid engaging head on:-
Drow ranger:- mainly because before you could even get near her she would use frost arrows and slow you down and by the time you get close u'll be dead

Sniper:- his stun keeps slowing you down while trying to get him,although even if u manage to kill him u will be left with very little health

Tiny:- tiny is a must avoid type of enemy for troll warlord because of the continuous stuns

Ursa:- You must try to avoid ursa at if he has a lv advantage above you but at the early game you can kill him pretty easily

they are pretty much the only heroes that could hurt troll badly

Early game

when the game starts get 3 iron branches, tangoes and a healing salve(basic stuff)
always keep troll's attacks in ranged during the early game
you can use either top or bottom but try to avoid Mid
If you are radiant its optimal if you use bottom
and if you are dire it is optimal to use Top
troll warlord can gank even enemies with a higher level advantage but you have to do it in a certain process
keep the berserker's rage in throwing axes mode and feed on creeps as much as possible
if u have pudge on the other team watch out for the hook while feeding
once you have the battle trance get your chances to gank an enemy of the same lv is pretty high
even drow ranger cant stand troll
if u are dire and at bottom try to attack them from behind i.e you will see a group of trees right after the stream that divides the map,get behind those trees and wait for your enemy and also watch out whether your enemy is coming from there
once they have got a little close to your tower position go towards them activating whirling axes ( melee or red berserker's rage ) and battle trance and attack them if they are very low on health but going out of your reach switch to ranged and use phase boots and finish em off the same trick can be used if you are radiant and going on top
well if you have good teammates like lifestealer or any one that can slow your target down its good

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