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Tricks of the Trade (Riki Update 6.86)

December 18, 2015 by incognitomode
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Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 8 10 12

Blink Strike

4 9 13 14

Tricks of the Trade

1 3 5 7

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

Tricks of the Trade (Riki Update 6.86)

December 18, 2015

The Tricks of the Trade

Riki is no longer to be played as a chasing type, backstabs multipliers come with the level of the cloak though backstabs are still helpful. Enough chat.

Technique for the tricks of the trade:

Riki's ulti now does an AoE,all units inside the circle is hit per second so the channeling time depends upon the hits it can do to units.

Battle fury: The battle fury cleaves each hit, so within an area that riki hits everything inside it deals additional damage. Don't mind using the ulti with creeps inside the area, the more units inside it would be better.

Crystalys: It's up to you if you want a critical hit before getting a battle fury, but Battle Fury plus Crystalys creates further more damage with the AoE in effect. Later on game it would be great to upgrade to a Daedalus.

Butterfly: We all know how the butterfly works with riki, since it's an agility type it would increase riki's attack, armor and attack speed.

Desolator: Less armor spells disaster.

Vladimir and other forms of lifesteal: It's up to you if you want a mask of madness, helm of dominator or vladimir, it would be great if you have vlad so it would stack with desolator though enemies may sense your aura through creeps. Tricks of the Trade is a basic form of attack so it you get lifesteal per hit.

*** I did a one hit once on a well fed Tiny with mega creeps inside the AoE. Easy kill ***

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