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Tresdin(LC) guide

March 1, 2014 by PowerTime
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Build 1
Build 2
Build 3


DotA2 Hero: Legion Commander

Hero Skills

Outfight Them! (Innate)

Overwhelming Odds

2 3 5 7

Press the Attack

1 4 8 9

Moment of Courage

10 12 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18

Tresdin(LC) guide

March 1, 2014


Hello guys my name is powertime
And im gonna show u the way how i play legion commander.
Some stuff to know: my english is REALLY bad but i still
Wanted to write a guide about LC cause i checked dotabuff
and holy **** last month avg winrate is 45% with lc.
I dunno what players doing with her but they doing it wrong.
And i dont know how to paste pictures so iff somebody can tell itfor me...
I played LC a lot in dota my w/l was like 37-11 or something like that
In dota ive got 14-3 with her.(sry for a wall of text that u might dont even care)

pros and cons

-4.75 hard disable at lvl 6
-She can snowball like crazy
-Badass heal with debuff remova and incrased AS
-Can jungle if needed
-Can play at midlane

-Shutting down her early will up his mid-late game
-Linken blocks his ult
-Sticcking at 5 man is.shut her down no matter how many.duels she won yet.


Q-the arrow thingy(i always forget the name of this)
Its a nuke which on.lvl 4 do 200 magic dmg in a pretty ok radius
Deals bonus dmg based from how many units in it and also does 25% max hp dmg for illusions.
It gives u 9% ms for every hero hit and 3% for.creeps
It has a pretty long cooldown at 18s

W-Press the attack
Its an epic skill gives u a lot heal in a low.period of time
And also gives attack speed and removing most of the debuff.

Q-moment of courage
If u start to attack somene and he hit back lc has a proc an extra attack with added.lifest

Duel- the skill what makes lc to be lc. If u cast it on an enemyhero u will start to attack each other for.~5.S
If one of u dies under its effect to other hero get permament 10/14/18 bonus dmg


Mid- start with tango and 3 branch.
Rush for bottle in lane u have to max ur q.for harass chase and get cs.
At mid just do 3-2-0-1 build at lvl 6
At safelane(dont go offlane pls) u 2-1-2-1 at lvl 6 cause ur support pull u have to tank.the.creeps and the passive.helps a.lot.
Jungle-max.passive.and PTA


Boots-treads- Hp AS and treadswitch
Initaiton-after removing the 75 from.dagger its way better
Yes Sb gives dmg and as but with the blink u can cast ur W on urself and jump in then duel. With sb (if they have escape.u cant do this. And also blink let u farm faster
Deso-good item dmg and armor reduction for.ur opponent
Ac-As armor and minus armor for enemy
Heart-tankiness dmg
Armlet-dont get it (dunno why just dont like it)
Blademail-get it vs heavy.right clickers.(ursa void sniper etc)


Anyone who can let u get early kills


Dont pick lc vs bane/abandon/dazzle they will dont let u a.duel


I hope u liked it.( i.dont think so but.who knows)

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