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5 Votes

Tree man to the rescue

September 27, 2013 by saifthedestroyer
Comments: 11    |    Views: 50474    |   

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saifthedestroyer (6) | October 5, 2013 2:38pm
firstly ty secondly this guide is for pubs so the pull camp isnt used anyway anyway thanks for the comment
Prophecy (1) | October 5, 2013 2:06pm
Good general outlook on the hero. Wish you would go a little more in depth on the abilities. Also I just want to throw out something about your jungle start. Playing Prophet offlane is the way to go....BUT if you want to jungle, then never ever cliff jungle. It is very inefficient. The way to properly start jungle is to spawn treants in fountain at around 0:10 and walk out to big camp. If it is any camp but an Ursa camp, then kill it first. You will be able to spawn a new set of treants that will have almost full life after the camp dies, so you can move onto the easy camp after. If you feel capable of it.....send a weak treant to small camp while you are finsihing the large camp and stack it. By far this is the most efficient way, and you shouldnt be touching your teams pull camp unless they need you to. Let the support/supports get xp off of it. Lastly, you definitely need a level in sprout at 4. If you are jungle prophet, then you have plenty of time to look around for ganking opportunites, and 1 level is needed for this. I personally get anotherj level at 9, so that you can escape without your trees coming down before your tp. I then don't level it again till late late game unless the situation calls for it. Just my 2 cents. Keep up the good work
milkshakeburger (4) | September 27, 2013 8:31am
great guide!!! +1
saifthedestroyer (6) | September 19, 2013 3:12am
Ty for the kind words as soon as my pc comes back from the shop i will update all text and stuff one thing though orchid is in the item build :-)
Wulfstan (77) | September 18, 2013 12:32pm
Sir, Mjollnir is actually good.Since Desolator and Mjollnir stack both, why not get both? Manta Style + Mjollnir Nature's Prophet is a beast in teamfights.

Also, I dislike the lack of Orchid Malevolence.Its really good on Nature's Prophet.

The build's quallity is rather good, however the actual text in the guide is not so.Make sure to capitalize every word at the beggining of a sentence, add some more editing in.

For example, your PROS list can look like this

  • Can solo win a match if not given too much attention.
  • Requires farm but is super fun too play once he gets there.
  • Heroes with little or no mobility dont have **** on prophet.
  • Global presence.
  • Constant gank threats will force enemies back.
  • Best pusher hands down ingame.

[list] [/list]
and some spacing, your guide can look really good compared to what you have now.

P.S:Items in the list are added with
saifthedestroyer (6) | September 18, 2013 10:42am
Ill adress the clockwerk issue ASAP but i still have some doubts on the AC. Otherwise how is the guide and a rate would be nice :3 oh and btw the foes section needs to have some info added to it
dynasty987 (6) | September 18, 2013 10:17am
I'd add clockwerk to counters. 3000 range initiation is pretty nasty, and with your diabolical strength growth he can solo kill you fairly easily with a blade mail (which is a reasonably common pickup), regardless of how much damage you are able to do.

Also I'd add assault cuirass to the items. Combined with a desolator it means you are able to backdoor towers/rax without creeps (assuming decent farm) making your enemy think twice before engaging in a fight away from their base.
saifthedestroyer (6) | September 16, 2013 12:23am
I added 2 clarities instead of the tangoes and have also made the skillbuild a bit different. As for bkb i said that you can buy it in some cases. I love you guys for the constructive criticism and ty peppo for liking the item build :D
kunal_ronaldo | September 15, 2013 9:22pm
BKB also a great item if your opponent got gem. And also Usefull for Late Ganks.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | September 15, 2013 3:32am
Hmm agree with peppo, trade that tango for 2 clarities
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | September 15, 2013 3:11am
No Clarity potions? How are you supposed to farm without returning to base then? I even have problems starting with two Clarities and the Glove instead of Ring of Basilius. I think starting with the Gloves of Haste is fine though, you only need one of your supports to give you a Clarity or two so that you have at least 3 of them.

I like the item build a lot, too many players forget to buy a Scythe of Vyse. But I think the skill build can be improved: not getting a level of Sprout until level 9 is too greedy, I usually put one point in it at 4; I also skill it only once until either level 18 or 23 depending on how I'm doing (it's personal preference, really).
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