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4 Votes

Treant Protector Tank/Semi-carry

September 14, 2012 by Walrus tickle dance pad
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The Watcher | April 3, 2013 5:15am
He's not a carry, he has way too slow an attack damage for him to function as a carry, sure when I play treant I don't get many kills, but then I rarely get deaths as well. I also have a 100% win ratio and can quite happily say that many of the games I've played as him have been won because of him, but not as a carry, at which he would probably suck but as a support, where in non-competitive matches no one can match him and his 25 mana, across the map heal
JohnyTwobone | December 24, 2012 9:06pm


Wrong again.

Granted Treant isn't as strong as he used to be after his str gain nerfs he can still be played as a semi-carry fairly successfully. His skillset caters to both being able to sustain himself and teammates in a fight while given enough farm early game can give him enough damage to fill that role.

You won't see this in competitive games, because you don't see Treant in competitive games at all. However I have played similarly to this and win with ease, there is a reason Treant has a 59% winrate (because he is a flexible hero itemwise and brings a lot to the team).

Treant protector:
6th lowest winrate
2nd worst KDA ratio
4th least played

Sorry man, sometimes these stats are brought down by noobs playing him, but I honestly see little if any potential in "carry treant". Hes not even that tanky, and his ult does jack **** if his victim knows how to deal with it. Maybe if he gets buffed hard, but at this point he is very incapable to put it softly.
Sarcy (27) | September 14, 2012 7:05pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Yes, Treant is not a carry, only support. He can't deal enough damage by himself and will fall easily to a number of heroes.


Starbucks 64 wrote:

Yeah regardless of what you say, treant Protector is a support, therefore this guide is worthless. It's a nice idea, but It's ineffective

Wrong again.

Granted Treant isn't as strong as he used to be after his str gain nerfs he can still be played as a semi-carry fairly successfully. His skillset caters to both being able to sustain himself and teammates in a fight while given enough farm early game can give him enough damage to fill that role.

You won't see this in competitive games, because you don't see Treant in competitive games at all. However I have played similarly to this and win with ease, there is a reason Treant has a 59% winrate (because he is a flexible hero itemwise and brings a lot to the team).
Walrus tickle dance pad | September 14, 2012 6:05pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Yes, Treant is not a carry, only support. He can't deal enough damage by himself and will fall easily to a number of heroes.

This is a guide for Treant in a last-hitting role, where you have another support on your team that will get the support items. It's about becoming a hard-tank quickly, while being able to do damage, and have some great team-fight potential. Treant is great at last-hitting, and as you don't really need to level up Leech seeds or Nature's Guise too much, you will get a lot of last-hitting power and tankabillity from stats early on, while also Develop into a great tank late-game.
Maybe I Should have Called the Guide "Treant Protector Pure Tank", instead of Tank/semi-carry.
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 14, 2012 4:36pm
Yes, Treant is not a carry, only support. He can't deal enough damage by himself and will fall easily to a number of heroes.
Walrus tickle dance pad | September 14, 2012 4:31pm
Starbucks 64 wrote:

Yeah regardless of what you say, treant Protector is a support, therefore this guide is worthless. It's a nice idea, but It's ineffective

I will have to disagree with you. You say that "Treant protector is a support". Well, Yes. He can be played as a support. That does not mean you HAVE to play him as a support. Earthshaker, Sven, Enchantress, Silencer, and many others are listed as supports. Still, they can also be played as Semi-carrys. Treant Protector can also be played as a semi-carry.

"It's a nice idea, but It's ineffective"
Well, I have tried this build several times in-game, and I have ended up with Really good results.
It is very effective. Both on side-lane, and on middle-lane.
Starbucks 64 (3) | September 12, 2012 5:57am
Yeah regardless of what you say, treant Protector is a support, therefore this guide is worthless. It's a nice idea, but It's ineffective
jaslam (21) | September 12, 2012 4:09am
what a pub/troll build :S worth doing if you're bored I guess.. haha
FYI - you can build the entire treads at the side shop, but not the bracer - y not just get a bracer and a tango from base and get the rest from the side shop? lost 3 stats in str, but gain 3 elsewhere + dmg, and (in theory) you won't need to return to base. (and have tangos)
or get 4 gauntlets, and turn them in bracer/urn and sell 1.. hood/chainmail (depending on the enemy line up) will go a long way in tanking - medallion will go a long way for hitting like tank. It will delay the sange/halberd/sny - but worth considering..

epic troll build.. :D
Uberhenk (2) | September 11, 2012 3:09pm
I love it !

Exactly how i feel when playing Treant. He is a huge tree with massive fists, stomp those squishy noobs screw that support stuff.
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