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8 Votes

Treant Protector! How I Pure Support With Treant! Full guide!

April 11, 2013 by MrZhannox
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Zurek (1) | April 12, 2013 12:08pm
I'm intrigued by your guide. When I get a chance to play a few matches tonight, I'll test it out. There are a handful of heroes that I rush items on, but I can't say I opt out of purchasing any items straight away and wait for such a high priced item that early in the game... especially when you're not claiming the kill shot in your lane.

In the friendliest way I can put this, you need to put your personal views aside and take the feedback from some of the people that have posted a reply to your guide. "Treant Protector! How I Pure Support With Treant! Full guide!" is misleading people, but it's also costing you some +1 votes. Like I said, I'm personally intrigued by your build, but this guide is by no means a pure support guide. There's a difference between a "pure support" and a "utility support".

An example being that a utility support will occasionally take a killshot, lane change, roam, etc. This gives them the ability to item up faster than a pure support. A pure support is a hero that relies on a carry to make the "big plays" in a lane. Their purpose is to 100% ensure that the carry they follow is getting all the cash they can get. A pure support is more likely a range class that can harass enemy heroes from afar, making it harder for them to get a ks and enabling distance so your carry can get in nice and close to creeps on the lane (assuming they're melee).

On the whole, you have a good guide, but taking the suggestions of others will make or break the progression and rating of your guide.

Best of luck to you!
samukobo (28) | April 10, 2013 3:08am
Could you post your first game with Treant Protector where you claim that everyone called you the MVP? I'm quite interested as to how you could perform that well (assuming you actually played the same way. Especially considering you had an Energy Booster rush.
MrZhannox | April 10, 2013 12:41am
Well i am very sorry if you feel that way but no one complains when i am playing like this. Plus this is how I support and i will not change it to the way other people think it should be. I am happy the way I play Treant Protector and if you think this is wrong then don't watch this guide.
DzikaPanda (16) | April 9, 2013 4:58am
MrZhannox wrote:

Well if you read the description and this is how i support with treant and always deny the creeps when i can and me and my friend never complain about me taking last hits but that depends on who i am laning with for example if i lane with a hard carry like Clinkz or Ursa i almost never take last hits. And it says in introduction "my own personal build that i use all the time and i am happy with it" so i am not going to change it i am sorry.

We are just saying that title of your guide can be kinda misleading, cause pure support shouldn't have core items like carry or other one, that he try to get all game, he should rather do everything to ensure that his team is safe and able to win the game (look at high tier games where carries have 20-25 lvl and support sometimes don't even have lvl 2 ulti).
I would rename it to semi-support or initiator/support.
MrZhannox | April 9, 2013 4:30am
Well if you read the description and this is how i support with treant and always deny the creeps when i can and me and my friend never complain about me taking last hits but that depends on who i am laning with for example if i lane with a hard carry like Clinkz or Ursa i almost never take last hits. And it says in introduction "my own personal build that i use all the time and i am happy with it" so i am not going to change it i am sorry.
fredchen777 | April 9, 2013 3:04am
DzikaPanda wrote:
Also if you want this to be pure support build you should mention couriers, wards, dusts, maybe gem, cause they are pure support items.

EDIT. You also have bug in Living Armor description, it will fade off if you get hit 7 times by any attack, not just heroes.

Yeah, since i play alot of support, i hate it when people say "i play support" then (maybe) buy a normal courier, always stay on lane, take last hits, never pull/stack the jungle, never ward, never carry TP scrolls to help out the other lane if it gets dove, etc.

You should rename this guide to Utility Treant instead of Full Support Treant. Because a full support player gets his boots at min 20 if the lane does not go well, and arcanes at 40, since wards are way more precious than the time you spend walking back to fountain for mana.

But your item choice as utility (4 position) is decent, your usage of colors is nice, good guide except for the title.
MrZhannox | March 21, 2013 3:16am
Just trying now Treant Protector
DzikaPanda (16) | March 21, 2013 3:13am
Just put item/hero/skill name in double [ ].
MrZhannox | March 21, 2013 3:11am
May i ask how do you get those things with the pictures. And i don't really like Nature's Guise i usually cast Leech Seed to slow them and thereafter healing my teammate. And i hope i am not mean or anything but this is my personal build that i use so.
DzikaPanda (16) | March 21, 2013 3:08am
Item build may be good until you face very aggressive oponents or you just have idiot carry on lane. I always take Nature's Guise at lv 4 to prevent from ganks (also Treant Protector playstyle is to use skills from invisibility and leave lost team fight without death). Also if you want this to be pure support build you should mention couriers, wards, dusts, maybe gem, cause they are pure support items. I always start with courier, Bracelet and 2 mana potions, lvlup E to max, then Q and W to lvl 2, then max Q and then W last. I often find myself running at 30 minute with just Arcane Boots, Bracer and bag full of wards and dusts, cause they help team much more than items you mentioned and are much cheaper.

EDIT. You also have bug in Living Armor description, it will fade off if you get hit 7 times by any attack, not just heroes.
MrZhannox | March 21, 2013 2:21am
Yes i will do that thank you for your feedback!
Twodee (4) | March 20, 2013 3:51pm
Maybe get into some detail on why you chose not to buy any items and rush an energy booster.
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