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13 Votes

Total Wisp by Mu7trak ---> Manly way to play Io

July 21, 2013 by Mu7trak
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mnoi (2) | June 2, 2013 10:22pm
Mention how eul's can purge silence on yourself somewhere. Most people still don't know you can do that :/
Mu7trak | May 27, 2013 1:11am
Mirror wrote:

Oh, Blink Strike is Riki's spell. I was talking about Phantom Strike but I guess Riki works too.

Edit: Shadow Demon is not a good hero to relocate but if you use Disruption and move the tether over the enemy they will be instantly stunned and can not use items like blink dagger.

To be honest it's valid to everysingle stun/sleep etc. shadow demon is not anything special in this case. You just need to have your timing right. Though 2,5 sec to reposition yourself accordingly is nice.
Mirror (22) | May 26, 2013 6:06pm
Oh, Blink Strike is Riki's spell. I was talking about Phantom Strike but I guess Riki works too.

Edit: Shadow Demon is not a good hero to relocate but if you use Disruption and move the tether over the enemy they will be instantly stunned and can not use items like blink dagger.
Mu7trak | May 26, 2013 1:46pm
Mirror wrote:

This guild looks great! +1

I agree with Wulfstan about soul ring. Now that Tranquil's has been nerfed I think I would be a bad investment. Also, Phantom Assassin is an unknown teammate for Wisp since Blink Strike will trigger a tether stun.

Added PA and Riki to teammates
Mirror (22) | May 26, 2013 10:25am
This guild looks great! +1

I agree with Wulfstan about soul ring. Now that Tranquil's has been nerfed I think I would be a bad investment. Also, Phantom Assassin is an unknown teammate for Wisp since Blink Strike will trigger a tether stun.
Mu7trak | May 26, 2013 5:45am
DzikaPanda wrote:

You need to publish guide.

That explain everything XD sorry updated
DzikaPanda (16) | May 23, 2013 2:38am
Mu7trak wrote:

#Dzika Panda
Actually it is on 8, 12,13,14. Are you sure you still doesn't see it? I have already fixed it 2 days ago .

You need to publish guide.
Mu7trak | May 21, 2013 3:18am
#Dzika Panda
Actually it is on 8, 12,13,14. Are you sure you still doesn't see it? I have already fixed it 2 days ago .
DzikaPanda (16) | May 21, 2013 2:02am
Still no Overcharge in second build.
Mu7trak | May 20, 2013 11:29pm
You are right, added this to bugs

I didn't forget about legacy to spirits. It is this green big W.
If you are going tanky Mekansm, Power Treads build you need Soul Ring for sure. It solves your mana problems. It is extremly good to speed up your farm in jungle, once you have lvl 3,4 Spirits.
If you going for Arcane Boots, you probably dont need it.
Wulfstan (77) | May 20, 2013 11:47am
You forgot the legacy key on Spirits.Imo(just a personal opinion),you can skip Soul Ring and go for something bigger.If you need to damage yourself to heal an ally,use Overcharge.Just an opinion.
Dwemer (1) | May 20, 2013 11:22am
If I'm right, Overcharge got 2 seconds CD in Dota, right?
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