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You're 100% right about lategame build. I just prefer phase for raw damage.
Try to use the combo sleight into chains in teamfights. Disabling and damaging someone from a very far range is very useful for yourself and allies. You can join teamfights whenever you want even without items, just know when to initiate with
Even in safelane, bottle is very useful to sustain you whenever you want with the bottle refill.
Against drow, if you can't farm up manta just try to get eul's against her. Always have a remnant up, and when she jumps on you, purge the silence and immediately jump to the remnant. Early game however she is very squishy and she has **** attack speed so you can try to screw her up at that stage.
Antimage isn't as hard of a counter as you think. He needs items (abyssal, manta) to lock you down and effectively burn all your mana so you can't get away. And even then, all his damage is physical except for mana void so you can soak most of that damage up.
Queen of Pain can however easily take you down as long as she and her teammates can burn away your flame guard. And even when you do still have it up, she can pierce it with
Storm deals a lot of magic damage, and you can get away with a remnant easily after you've soaked up all that magic damage.
Troll and Slardar a problem if you can't take him down in fights. They have good lockdown and your only hope is chaining them and getting away with remnant if he did not slow you.
Riki? Get away with a remnant. He purged you with Diffusal and you don't have one up? Just chain him and if you have truesight manfight him, it's your only chance against him.
Faceless Void can lock you down and screw you up. You just have to hope he can't kill you in chronosphere. If he can't you can just jump to your remnant. He won't slow you, he already used that for his initiation. You won't be caught if you travel through chronosphere with remnant by the way.
But a lot of carries can usually outclass ember when they are ahead of him.
General counters are lockdown, so he can't do ****, and silence, forcing him to buy manta or eul's so he can fall behind. Ember's teamfighting is pretty good. He can initiate and deal a lot of magic damage early, mostly AoE, and then later he hits enemies multiple times with a BF+SoF.
Any other questions?
Against what carries can't ember compete / you shouldn't pick him?
I actually thought of Drow when she gets Blink Dagger / Shadow Blade. Once she can initiate on you and silence you, how are you going to fight her? You'll probably not have Manta / Linkens by then so she can easily melt you, no?
And carries like:
AM, Void, Troll, Riki, Storm, QoP, Slardar?
Where do you lane? It seems bottle is a bit off on safelane and for midlane, there are many heroes that will make it very hard to bring up that Bfurry in time.
When do you start to teamfight with Ember? In the matches I played, I hardly had Bfurry, Drums and Treads when I had to join fights. At that point I can land 1-2 SoF and then the fight is over - not really an impact and mostly I ended up dead because I got focused w/o Manta or any other defense against silences / stuns. I'd rather farm up a Deso or crits meanwhile and join them some minutes later with higher impact and w/o the high risk of setting me back for like 5 minutes.
I saw a build with Arcanes and Maelstrom, I guess more midgame orientated for when you have a high push lineup / the enemy is especially strong in lategame.
I guess this can be said in General:
- Treads, Bfury, daeds if you want to hit lategame
- Arcanes, Maelstrom, Deso for an early finish
Eul's? Sure, very cheap and cost-effective item. Also, the mana regen is pretty nice.
I already included BoT's.
Thanks for sharing thoughts.
I prefer to play Ember with Bottle - Phase - Drums - BF - Daedalus - Travels/BF - Daedalus - Rapier.
Why I build TP boots after the Daedalus is because it allows you to split push hard with remnant. It increases your farm potential a lot and your map presence also with 45 seconds on a global tp. Of course if we are under siege you go naturally for more damage, but if the game is even I always go for the Travels after BF/Daedalus.
I can get my chains/sleight combo off quite often. You just have to have quick fingers. Just train on it.
@Pillow3636 i like myself going 1 BF then either Daedalus and Desolator, it relies on the situation which goes first and then other situational or more BF's. If i had to choose from your 2 builds i'd say the Battlefury one.
Sorry for the late answer, I was on vacation.
The thing that I don't like about Ember is that you can't even fight before you have a manapool item. He needs major buffs before the hero will be viable again. Perhaps a big buff to his base INT and AGI growth. Now that
Edit: I forgot this earlier, but you don't have to have
@famasofwar the first skill point on ember is more or less situational. Soaking up a
I play a lot of Ember, and I have a very unorthodox suggestion,
I do consider drums a core item because it just adds the bonuses.
I used to like the BoT's, i'll add that as a bonus build. I do like the cheapness of TP's though. And yes, i have done the BoT's/Aquila build in-game alot (mostly together)
I'll include the lanes and once again, my thanks for the feedback. Would you like a guide for a specific hero?
A little input from me:
I think that you didn't mention to which lane you should go as ember (middle or safe, I prefer safe).
Ring of aquila is a really good item for ember early on, lots of dmg and mana regen, even some nice stats.
Some games, I think you can avoid getting drums and go full glass cannon. If you are sure, you can escape every single time, there is no point in buying drums.
Also, my preferd build (if I have enough space, if I don't I use this build pretty much) is rushing boots of travel into battelfury and then everything else you need.
This way you can easily abuse going back to base, teleporting to other lanes if you are getting ganked (you can also leave a remnant and come back once the threat is gone). TPing to ganks is also easy. Cooldown on BOT is 45 sec, which is ridiculously love (20 sec cd lower than tp scroll!!!).
With this build, your uptime doing stuff (farming, ganking) is almost 100% and that's why I really love it.