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Too Fast!!!!!!!

March 15, 2015 by Jobroaj
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Too Fast!!!!!!!

March 15, 2015


This is a very Crazy guide for troll but incredibly useful.This is BTW my first guide.Troll is a carry which focuses on attack speed (as seen by his skills) He has no escape abilities so be incredibly careful with this hero.
+Is a good tank
+most of the items you need are cheap early game
+Has Fast attack speed
+the stun makes it difficult for you to escape
+One of the most fun characters to play
-Has no escape mechanism
-Is a Main target cuz of his SS
-The Main core items costs a lot


Troll Warlord Abilities
Troll Warlord Berserker Rage Icon1. Berserker Rage (Hotkey: G)

Allows the Warlord to use his throwing axes as melee weapons, gaining bonus damage, attack speed, movement speed, hitpoints, armor, and a chance to bash targets on attack. Berserker’s Rage also changes the functionality of Whirling Axes.


Allows the Warlord to use his throwing axes as melee weapons, gaining bonus damage, attack speed, movement speed, hitpoints, armor, and a chance to bash targets on attack. Berserker’s Rage also changes the functionality of Whirling Axes.

When to get:This is one of troll's most useful skills turning him from melee to range and vice versa. This is however not what we start with get it at level two and level it first with fervor

Whirling Axes Icon2. Whirling Axes – Ranged (Hotkey: E)

Troll hurls a fistful of five axes in a cone shape over 900 range, slowing and damaging enemy units.


Troll unleashes a set of magical axes which whirl around him in a circle. Nearby enemies take damage and have a chance to miss on their attacks.

When to Get:Get this Skill LAST!!!!!Not much useful early game so best get it last this is your chaser and lifesaver for a reason.With a high chance to miss in their in attacks when hit by this in melee it saves your life(most of the time) from heroes with high attack

Fervor Icon3. Fervor (Hotkey: F)

With each continuous blow on the same target, Troll gains increased attack speed. If Troll changes targets, the stacks drop to zero.

When to get:Start with this baby cuz you're gonna need it mid-game cuz that's when troll gets powerful and you don't normally get all of your skills to max before that happens Start with this.

4. Battle Trance (Hotkey: R)

Troll’s presence on the battlefield increases the attack speed of himself and all allied heroes.

When to get:Get it whenever you can.This affects all allied heroes which means you can use it in group fights to assist your whole group
Battle Trance Icon


The Build for this guy is simple

Starting items:
Start with a wraith band and a tango and go to any lane except mid and you are good to go

Early Game:
Build a Power threads and go for the helm of dominator and then go for Vanguard(your only needed survivability items

Mid Game:
Go For S&Y fast start with yasha for increased attack speed then get crystalys then farm

Late Game:
Finish off with a Daedelus or Buriza if you're unfamiliar with the new name and finish off with butterfly

Gem of true sight(use if there is an enemy who uses a shadow blade or has a skill that make them invisible)


Early Game:
Deny and last hit obviously and play safe you are squishy early game so watch out for that.Avoid Engaging enemies and fight only when needed by your allies and yourself

Mid Game:
Start off your first few core items.Gank enemies who are alone or heroes who are squishy and gain lots and lots of gold from kills and farm often you'll need the gold for late game.Don't forget to kill roshan you can do it alone once you get vanguard

Late Game:
Get your last items up and engage in team fights.Use your SS early in group fights.At this point you can solo towers and you will be a force to be reckoned with if played right.You can easily kill heroes as well.Stay with your team and push like hell.

Soon Updates

When to and not to use troll
Great allies Bad enemies
More reasons for the build and more
Coming Soon..............

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