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3 Votes

Tiny the Rock Monster

October 14, 2014 by Tall Jenkins
Comments: 11    |    Views: 19046    |   

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Chefy | October 14, 2014 1:28am
I am sorry but blink is always good on like 99% of the heroes.
Blink in to toss that game changing hero in your team so that they can stunlock him to death and turn the game around is simply priceless.

Also I don't think that just because Yasha provides a movement speed it should be consider as a gap closer item. I am saying that because the best lineups are the ones with tones of stuns and cc in general and you won't be getting anywhere near them on time.
BrecMadak | October 12, 2014 4:36pm
Basically, dagger on tiny is a core item, on the very contrary to be called as "late game item", and since you build to take Grow by level 6, you better give 3 to Toss rather than Avalanche. Cheers.
Tall Jenkins | October 12, 2014 8:19am
Thanks for all the comments! I appreciate them a lot, and they helped me refine my guide. I *think* I've addressed them all, but let me know if there's something you think is missing.
FroschTheFrog | October 12, 2014 5:36am
What's the difference a Blink Dagger made for tiny? and Scythe of Vyse also

Anyway, take a moment to read the bb code guide. Makes your guide colorful and fun to read. I'll comeback to see if it's worth +1
eeon (6) | October 12, 2014 5:28am
One question though: why no blink? And a drum of endurance maybe? Tiny really beneffits from the stat gain as his mana pool is low. Overall a good guide but needs some work.
jamesShajam (5) | October 12, 2014 1:44am
Add in [manta style]] and Butterfly, with the active it really ROCKS now :P
1 point in craggy is maybe ok if you're not doing well but ideally you max out Toss at level 8. only get 3 points in Avalanche, then get toss as you get only 40 damage from the last point whereas you get 75 from the last point in Toss not even including the grow! bonus.
Therapy (4) | October 12, 2014 1:25am

A note about the skill build: early Craggy Exterior is pretty useless, put more points in Avalanche and Toss instead.

Agree, early game you are more of a nuker without items. I suggest you put a point in Toss to really increase that damage bonus from Grow! early on.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | October 12, 2014 1:03am
Blubbles wrote:

Look at Dr. Dre's Guide at formatting. Makes the guide a lot more intresting. also, why Yasha? Not quite sure about that although with Tiny's massive damage a Manta Style seems legit. Any reason why Yasha?

Yasha gives more attack speed and - mostly - movement speed, two things Tiny really needs. Also, the illusions from Manta Style are really tanky and get the extra base damage from Grow! if I'm not mistaken; for this reason, I also suggest buying a Drum of Endurance before the Agh's.

A note about the skill build: early Craggy Exterior is pretty useless, put more points in Avalanche and Toss instead.
MuoiKhoang (6) | October 11, 2014 8:54pm
Ok, first off you gotta check this guide: Dr.D guide to formatting. It helped me a lot when I wrote my own guide. Use it to make your guide a bit easier to read, then I'll comeback for comments.
MuoiKhoang (6) | October 11, 2014 8:54pm
Ok, first off you gotta check this guide: Dr.D guide to formatting. It helped me a lot when I wrote my own guide. Use it to make your guide a bit easier to read, then I'll comeback for comments.
Blubbles (13) | October 11, 2014 8:34pm
Look at Dr. Dre's Guide at formatting. Makes the guide a lot more intresting. also, why Yasha? Not quite sure about that although with Tiny's massive damage a Manta Style seems legit. Any reason why Yasha?
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