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Looks like a good guild. You could add wisp in a food note since wisp tiny is ridicules. Avalanche toss any where on the map you also have more attack speed and tankyness. +1
However you must be aware of Tiny's toss is at random and this will mean that it is not necessary that io will be tossed.But if any case u tossed io,gratz ,and also i think that relocate can allow tiny to tp to their base and probably destroy their base slowly by slowly.However it is not garanteed to sucess
I never delay the first point in ult like some people do because I find the extra toss damage ends up being more usefull than the attack speed if you're ganking. Also I can't really decide which I like better, going the hyperstone or getting yasha/manta because both items can make him carry or at least munch down towers.
Also I'm not sure if I saw anybody mention it in the comments but Centaur + Tiny is a pretty well known lane combo that's pretty hard to deal with. I'm sure you've all seen it, toss Cent, Stomp, Avalanche, blah blah
a little short but good guide +1
Might be helpful to explain a little more how his skills work and how to properly land the avalanche/toss combo for full damage. It's best to point-target the enemy hero for avalanche, not area target, so you don't miss, then get RIGHT next to the enemy and point-target toss the enemy hero.
Other comment: IMO Tiny is one of the best counters to enemy AGI carries. He can almost always blow them up instantly. I would say he fits the category of hard carry rather than semi-carry.
Last comment: Drums are basically required and shouldn't really be in the optional category.
Good build overall!
I would however add a section addressing [carry/hard carry] Tiny's disadvantages when compared to other carries/hard carries; being a strength hero, he will have his disadvantages to "real" carries like Drow or Shadow Fiend. He simply doesn't have the innate attack speed and damage granted by agility items, and must build either strength for damage (doesn't add attack speed) or actual agility/attack speed (extremely low attack speed, no survivability).
In particular, he relies heavily on his combo for most of the game, which is on a huge 17 second cooldown. If you don't land a perfect combo, i.e. you (possibly by accident) don't toss your intended target or opt to toss him back to your team, you're just an auto attacker and you will be outshined by agility auto attackers with equal farm. Even with craggy exterior or AC even, you'll still get melted by ranged carries and heroes like Void who are just innately better at carrying.
Tiny can only really carry if he has a gold/level advantage. As your guide name implies, he's a better snowballer/steamroller than a tried-and-true hard carry.