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14 Votes

Tiny - How to SMASH

May 21, 2014 by Sando
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BrecMadak | October 4, 2014 1:08am
Please Sando, give this damn hero a privilege ! Tiny lately becoming my favourite hero and while we have already very limited tiny guide(s) and most being pretty dated, just resurrect this guide among junkyard asap.
oldKainen (14) | June 10, 2014 8:40pm
The two builds are almost the same as my way of playing Tiny. Power Treads is really the boots to go when carryin': he already has a high damage and movespeed with Grow!, so there is no need of Phase Boots.

Minwan1 | May 24, 2014 9:06pm
I think gloves of haste early is a must on tiny.his low attack speed makes it hard to land that last hit on enemies.
Xyrus (104) | May 22, 2014 7:42am
SoloBrow wrote:

Yasha is really dependent on your play style. If you are planning on going for the manta then it would be a core but it's not necessary to play Tiny.

Agreed, it's nice to have the mobility, and you can Split-Push quite effectively with Boots of Travel + Manta Style, but choosing to Farm up and Split-Push as a Tiny is Situational, you usually pick him so that you can pop unwary targets with Avalanche + Toss, then smack the rest with dat Cleave 8{)
SoloBrow | May 22, 2014 7:35am
Yasha is really dependent on your play style. If you are planning on going for the manta then it would be a core but it's not necessary to play Tiny.
FleetAU (16) | May 21, 2014 1:09am
no Yasha? its an excellent core item, increases his damage output and builds into a manta
Sando (118) | May 21, 2014 1:07am
Have tweaked a few things - situational Drum of Endurance on carry Tiny in case you need to be in the thick of the action earlier, and some text. Ethereal Blade I did consider, but ultimately didn't consider worth mentioning. He does have the required primary stat gain and nuking power, but really you'd need to have gone with a Dagon too, and it's all very situational. It could definitely work, but I think it's so unlikely I don't want to clutter the builds any further. (listing everything gets confusing).
Allegiance (9) | May 21, 2014 1:07am
I'm not a big fan of nuker Tiny.
Even as solomid I would still get Aghs after the Blink to transition into a secondary carry.
Seagull (9) | May 20, 2014 1:17pm
Wouldn't a Vengeful Spirit also be a kinda good counter to Tiny with the negative aura taking away a lot of damage?
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | May 20, 2014 12:49pm
Also before i forget, you seem to have skipped ethereal blade, its good on nuker tiny and even on carry tiny, ofcourse as a situational.
ashwinthegrim (7) | May 20, 2014 12:34pm
I really prefer a Drum of Endurance after upgraded boots.. It gives him some presence in the mid game; going straight for Aghanim's Scepter makes his mid game extremely passive, and if the enemy forces teamfights, this will bite your team in the rear.

Apart from that, solid guide. I always preferred Power Treads over Phase Boots on tiny, especially since you need all the attack speed you can get. I don't really like Arcane Boots that much. Ideally, a support should go for Arcane Boots leaving you open to Power Treads.

I also agree with the situational Hand of Midas. If farming a safe lane, this can boost your nuke combo pretty fast.

I don't like the Vladmir's Offering pickup either. Ideally, I'd rather have a support pick it up. In competitive games, I've seen a lot of Ios going for vlads just to boost Tiny up. After Power Treads, Drum of Endurance and Aghanim's Scepter, I'd rather build straight into Manta Style and Daedalus, since those give you a ton of pushing power.
Sando (118) | May 20, 2014 10:59am
Hand of Midas is situational because it gives you almost nothing in the short term, if your team is in trouble early game, other stuff is going to help a lot more than an item with a ~15-20 minute payback window.

Dagon is an option, if you're snowballing hard early game and that little bit of extra burst damage will take a couple of enemy heroes into the insta-death combo area then it can be well worth the price. Suddenly those squishy supports are desperately buying Bracers and delaying their Mekansm indefinitely. Works well with other burst damage heroes too. But yeah, it's certainly not the right choice every game.
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