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Thus do I Invoke Myself: The Legend of Kael

October 4, 2015 by Terathiel
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Infinage | November 9, 2015 9:26am
Great guide..! I just don't understand why you have stated the 'Refresher's orb' as an extremely situational item.. It is a must if you wanna 'carry' with Invoker. And HOM is something i get 90% of the time. Get it on time(within 8 ~ 9 min) and you are guaranteed to win the game. Linkin's sphere can be added into the situational list to counter BS rupture and other point target spells.. Other than that ur guide is simply fabulous. +1
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | October 1, 2015 12:36pm
Fairly good overall guide, I'm not sure if I would call it in-depth though. It's definitely efficient in covering the basics and contains a lot of information especailly for beginner Kael players, but as far as the term "in-depth" can be expanded upon, well - not so much.

Nice that you've included multiple visual item builds, nice for some variation.

Formatting makes it readable, fairly visually appealing but could definitely use some work. Try and make use of columns, text center, and indents as well as rules, bold, and occasionally italics to make the guide more visually appealing and have a refined look and feel to it. Otherwise, the pictures are nice and it's nice that all the in-game terminology is highlighted/linked with the use of square brackets.

I'm not a super hardcore 'Voker player myself, so I can't say much about the validity of the content, but some stuff you could include maybe in the future/future guides is chapters to do with Laning, as well as a more detailed overview of variable skillbuilds.

Overall a nice guide, decently formatted, good pictures and a fairly good amount of content, well written and definitely a good opener for more guides in the future! KUTGW! +1.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | September 30, 2015 11:49pm
Terathiel wrote:

The issue with refresher is that it's useless against BKB, and will often be better replaced by an item elsewhere. In one of my recent games, I did get Refresher, but that was because they had a PL, no BKBs, and a bunch of positioning dependent heroes, and it worked wonders. Had the team composition been different, sheep would probably have been better, or octarine. That's what I find with refresher/skadi - Skadi is always good, and Refresher is situationally excellent.

The thing I find is, Skadi is something of a luxury you get for Invoker, when the game is basically over. It's a stat item which provides you a debuff on attack. While excellent, I personally find many other Items, like you mentioned - Octarine, Aghs, Sheep even Refresher to be better alternatives as they provide some extra utility than just a slow on hit.

As for the BKB counter, Invoker IS generally useless against BKB, but generally by the time you purchase it (situational luxury) , game time being roughly 40 min, give or a take 5 min, most BKB's duration would be falling down.

Maximizing Invoker's potential is all about waiting for the right moment to do your combo. If you refer to Grimorum's videos ( I know he is not a Pro player, but Grimorum Sensei rocks :D ) , he generally waits out the BKB durations to deliver his combo.

Well that's my 2 cents. Ciao.
Terathiel (49) | September 30, 2015 6:10pm

Hmm, I wouldn't exactly call this in-depth mate(it is recent though), as an Invoker player though, I do have some criticisms :

QW :
I understand you want a fast phase into orchid to begin your ganking phase, but a null goes a long way to uplift your pitiful mana pool early on, plus more stats is never a bad thing.
An urn before orchid comes to personal preference.

QE :
You wanna get your 1st extension as an aghs or BoT? Hmmmm. A necronomicon synergises the most with this build. Even though an early aghs is great, with a lackluster wex level, you wont get much of a use out of wex spells like tornado or emp. The aghs cd reduction won't play in till much later.

EW :
The glass cannon build does not require a euls to land it's combo. What you need here is a little str (DRUMS!!! , or a casual point booster)to compensate for your abyssmal hit points and a force staff to increase your ninja factor. Then you can build an aghs or refresher(twice the glass, double the cannon) as you see fit. Personally I go with - Treads > Drums > Force > BKB > Aghs/Refresher.

Seriously though, not even in situationals, no bkb? For a guy shut down by a silences, you would be in some serious **** against someone who likes to build orchid.

Putting a refresher in HIGHLY situational and a Skadi in further items suggests malice to me, I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell Mr. Scofield.

I thought I did put BKB in there though?... consider it an oversight. So, that shall be rectified with utmost alacrity. Now, as to my reasoning on the other points:

QW: Since the INT buff, I really don't think Invoker needs a null. Not to mention Orchid gives a ton of int. Urn is, as you say, personal preference. Since it does trigger Cold Snap, I kinda like it.

QE: While I like necro as much as the next Terrorblade main, +1 to all levels of Invoked spells is just too good for me to pass up.

WE: Since I have limited experience with this I shall defer to your judgement.

The issue with refresher is that it's useless against BKB, and will often be better replaced by an item elsewhere. In one of my recent games, I did get Refresher, but that was because they had a PL, no BKBs, and a bunch of positioning dependent heroes, and it worked wonders. Had the team composition been different, sheep would probably have been better, or octarine. That's what I find with refresher/skadi - Skadi is always good, and Refresher is situationally excellent.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | September 30, 2015 7:43am
Hmm, I wouldn't exactly call this in-depth mate(it is recent though), as an Invoker player though, I do have some criticisms :

QW :
I understand you want a fast phase into orchid to begin your ganking phase, but a null goes a long way to uplift your pitiful mana pool early on, plus more stats is never a bad thing.
An urn before orchid comes to personal preference.

QE :
You wanna get your 1st extension as an aghs or BoT? Hmmmm. A necronomicon synergises the most with this build. Even though an early aghs is great, with a lackluster wex level, you wont get much of a use out of wex spells like tornado or emp. The aghs cd reduction won't play in till much later.

EW :
The glass cannon build does not require a euls to land it's combo. What you need here is a little str (DRUMS!!! , or a casual point booster)to compensate for your abyssmal hit points and a force staff to increase your ninja factor. Then you can build an aghs or refresher(twice the glass, double the cannon) as you see fit. Personally I go with - Treads > Drums > Force > BKB > Aghs/Refresher.

Seriously though, not even in situationals, no bkb? For a guy shut down by a silences, you would be in some serious **** against someone who likes to build orchid.

Putting a refresher in HIGHLY situational and a Skadi in further items suggests malice to me, I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell Mr. Scofield.
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