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This One's Gonna be a Scorcher! - A Guide to Lina, the Slayer

August 14, 2014 by Neidres
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RyuKasugano | January 2, 2016 6:28am
My Fav Hero... Easy To Push And A Beast Support :3
but... just like the cons say... The HP -.-
So I Suggest Use Boot Of Travel Or Blink Dagger Because She's Slow Asf -_-
And She's A Great Jungler Actually...
But DO NOT Fight More Than 1 Enemy Alone With Lina... She's As Good As Dead
Neidres | August 10, 2014 10:09am
Ok, so...

@Kyle The Great : Yeah, Laguna Blade may sometimes just be irrelevant, yet in some point in the game if you can use that last burst to bring down the enemy carry and turn a teamfight around. Her stun could be a con, I admit. I always find it easy to land (I have too much practice I guess?), bout now you mention it, it could be difficult for new players to land.

@Bunkasee : Yeah, as I mentioned with the reply to Kyle, the stun could be hard to land. And yes, this guide is sort of incomplete and at the moment I am working in the Mid Lina guide and have in mind a full-gank oriented build too. Mid Lina is something I've experienced a lot in Ranked.

@Sando : Yeah, some stuff is optional, if you but either courier or wards (not both) then the total cost is 540 gold. Veil of Discord and Dagon are really important items in some cases I must admit, and I'm surprised I didn't mention it (must be getting old, I guess...) Her mid potential is okay, yet the attack animation as you mentioned is I think one of the worst aspects of the hero.

@jaitara_x : Yep, the stun is a bit tricky to land, ok? That's why I mentioned Wraith King, Crystal Maiden and Shadow Shaman mostly as partners, as Wraithfire Blast, Frostbite and Shackles create the perfect setup for Light Strike Array to be landed.

Please y'all, remember this build is still not finished and will probably not be finished for a while, I take all suggestions into consideration and update the Steam Item & Skill build each time I find something new, yet this one would take more time to update.
Signing off,
jaitara_x (1) | July 31, 2014 8:50am
I like the guide :) like most people have said, her stun is a bit tricky to land, though I saw that you mentioned it as being best used as a follow-up stun, which I thoroughly approve of. Like Sando said, Veil of Discord is a great item to get on her because of how magic-intensive she is. Also, as Kyle mentioned, Laguna Blade is only single-target, and not even guaranteed to kill your foe at low HP levels. Not really your fault, of course; Icefrog just needs to rebalance her ult a bit more (Lion's ult, with Agh's, does only 225 less damage than Lina's Ult with Agh's while also hitting in an AoE, costing 55 mana less, AND having 30 seconds less on CD. Ridiculous).

Anyway, this was an excellent guide, and I hope to read more from you!
Sando (118) | July 31, 2014 3:50am
Overall pretty good, could use a bit of colour and some pics to brighten it up. Skill build is solid, exactly what I'd usually skill.

A few little suggestions/issues:

- Your starting items cost more than 625, you can't buy all that!

- Her stun is unreliable, it's pretty good for stunning multiple targets or heroes outside LOS, but not necessarily easy against good players.

- Eul's generally makes your stun reliable, cyclone for 2.5 seconds, have your stun land as they do.

- Consider Veil of Discord and even Dagon in your builds, Veil especially is very good.

- Lina is a situational mid, it can work out very well for her to get fast levels, and she has a long range on auto-attacks, but she's got an AWFUL attack animation that can make her difficult to last hit with against some opponents.

Overall though I like this guide, especially good that you included a section on good partners, this is important for her.
Bunkansee (32) | July 31, 2014 3:34am
It's a great guide, the thing is you say "easy to land stun". It doesn't have a huge cast range, and it has a delay, it's definitely one of the harder stuns to land in the game imo and it requires a little bit of practice and good positioning.

Are you maybe planning on adding a mid guide for Lina? I tend to always get sent mid if there are no other available mid laners on my team, and I find Lina can pretty easily dominate this lane, as I have gone 10+ with few deaths the last games I've played, I think the biggest thing is try to hit level 6 fast, and then often with a full combo you can murder people.

Anyway, great guide. +1
Kyle The Great (2) | July 30, 2014 8:56pm
I see only a couple of problems regarding the "pros and cons" section

First of all, Laguna Blade isn't that game changing. Since its only a single target ability, you're still left with 4 other people(if the one you SS'd did die)

And secondly her stun, id suggest moving it to the cons section. 0.5 may not seem much, but the enemy can still dodge it due to the distinct animation and completely juke it

Other than these two, I don't see nothing wrongand its a great guide
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