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5 Votes

This Is How You Do It

April 19, 2017 by Nahmae
Comments: 6    |    Views: 43009    |   

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queenmiasma | December 29, 2017 5:46am
can i put this on steam guides so i can see this guide through the dota thingy?
mr.dark gouki (1) | October 5, 2016 6:01pm
Uncle undying!!! It s beutifull guide indeed.
kianmir | July 25, 2016 8:50am
I like the guide too. But i think the earlier you put some extra effort into it, the earlier you get more readers! Extra formatting and stuff like pictures will help your guide immensly. I find agh's rush isn't AMAZING and a vanguard first may be preferable if you were forced to AFK farm a lane because of no teamfights and/or kill potentionals. getting a agh's when you aren't snowballing is a poor choice. Ill try the Tranquil's idea next time i play undying, which will be very soon because i am willing to play him as soon as my update for dota 2 ends. i hope you polish the guide soon. until then. not giving the 1+ :D
Nahmae (1) | July 26, 2016 8:54pm
Yeahh, fair enough. It could do with a tonne of polishing but I don't really believe in adding a bunch of pictures, they may make a guide nicer to look at, but they don't add any real content. I'd prefer a concise document that provides some useful instruction, and if other people don't like that, that's OK with me.
Bot-Tom | July 17, 2016 11:04pm
Like the guide, you have put a lot of effort into it and looking forward to the extensions. I play Undying occasionally and I sometimes buy a Necronomicon (if we are winning and I have a ton of gold). Should you add this to the list or is there a good reason not to buy it? It synergises well with the hero, giving him additional health and mana as well as two extra units that synergise with Soul Rip. I often have Arcanes, Mek (i have a slightly different build and I actually prefer these items, but tranquils are good!), Urn (can agree, this item is fantastic) and wards/tp.
Nahmae (1) | July 18, 2016 12:31am
Mm, thanks for the feedback. I haven't actually ever tried Necronomicon as Undying, but it definitely seems like a good idea. Will give it a shot, see how it goes.
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