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6 Votes

This Centaur is Hung Like a Horse

May 29, 2015 by a delicate flower
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Ymir Bot | November 10, 2015 4:51am
I tend to grab a vanguard if farming is good after the Hood, just for a little more tankiness, later on i will turn that into a crimson guard, helps the team once you initate. Guide is good though, +1 :)
Lord Markov | December 6, 2014 6:46am
Pipe of insight is a great deal when messing with trouble-making wizards. Should add it
lampmaster | November 12, 2014 2:16pm
The guide is good for what it is, but it lacks inspiration. Your item build is bland and you don't take any unnecessary risks with your skill build. Try adding some flair to your guide- maybe adding some utility items such as Crimson Guard or Pipe of Insight to add an extra layer of depth to your play. Also, a full on gameplay section and a friends and foes section could really end up taking this guide to the next level. Great work overall, regardless.
Timminatorr (57) | October 30, 2014 6:03am
i would get a point into return most of the time too before a second point in stomp.

apart from that i would max double edge by lvl 7 and rush blink after tranquils.
its only after you start rushing blink that you realise how good it is and how you could have built hood all this time. its just so good to gank and blow people up at the 12 minute mark with a stomp double edge combo.

if there is little magic damage on their team i would even skip the hood altogether, and i would only get hood if i build it into a pipe straight after.

you also forgot some nice utility items as well as armor items. apart from a little from blademail. against high phisical damage heroes you will just die way too fast.

force staff, shivas, sometimes even assault cuirass are great on him. and you should probably remove radiance since he doesnt need a farming item and doesnt have illusions. the burn damage is really irrelivant after a certain point.
a delicate flower | October 29, 2014 1:40pm
Yes, there is some sense for taking Return at 2 or 3 instead of 5 since you do get some base damage that buffs it a bit. But it definitely needs to wait until later to max out. I might change the build on the guide if the crowd tends to agree. The reason I chose Double Edge early even though you should use it very sparingly is that once you get a cloak, the more levels that are already there, the better.
jamesShajam (5) | October 29, 2014 1:07pm
I would get the Return at lvl 2 because if you're in a difficult offlane you need to stop supports from harassing you too much and you'll want to get a 3rd point in return at lvl 5. Only 1 point in stomp is good, It doesn't scale incredibly well.
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