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They who live by the wand shall die by my blade (Guide to Anti-Mage 7.01)

January 28, 2017 by Gil Bot
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Holomajzlik | July 8, 2016 2:34pm
When to pick AM? Pick AM when you feel your team can win the game without you, cause you need at least 30 minutes free farm (to be real threat for enemy) ;). It is a hyperbole but not far of truth. I am always happy if somebody in opposite team pick Magina and always sad when my teamnate pick him, because in 90% cases is the same story = at least 30 minutes 4 vs 5 and then Magina cant do a **** even if he have all wanted items because the game is already lost. Most of carries are more usefull then Magina..
Gil Bot (1) | July 8, 2016 11:59pm
Not really.. AM requires a solid team to force fights without him in the early stages of the game but he is not useless for 30 minutes (I managed to get a 17 min manta fury with treads PMS wand and Tp scroll and carried my team to victory). Anti-Mage is a not a weak carry.. Try to get more games playing him and u will realize what i am saying.. :)
plaq (3) | July 9, 2016 1:26am
in my games I often see AM getting vanguard at smthing like 5-6min, then treads, bf and putting more points into Q early an joining the fights with team...
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Vapor24 (1) | July 7, 2016 7:06pm
Please, NEVER buy midas! BF is your farming item and not a midas! Delaying your battlefury on an AM is stupid, the BF will allow you to farm much more gold than a midas would!
Gil Bot (1) | July 7, 2016 9:48pm
You don't need to put "!" :)

Midas is just a SITUATIONAL PICKUP. And managing to buy one before the 5 min mark (if u got absolute free farm) will delay your battlefury a bit but sometimes getting fast levels is more then appreciated especially when you need to outlevel a certain carry instead of outfarming him/her (morphling is a good example since after he got decent levels and managed to buy a manta style he can farm farm different lanes at the same time)

Just a situational item , not the item that you will get in 100% of your games. :)

Thanks for your opinion anyway :)
Potmbestherodota2 (1) | July 7, 2016 10:22am
Nice guide, you're clearly someone who knows how the hero works and what to do with him. Maybe you could make the guide look a bit nicer and more colourful but what you've written is spot on. Was just wondering how important you thought getting a heart was now that the new Abyssal Blade gives decent health regen. My Anti-Mage build is Battle Fury, Power Treads, Manta Style, Skull Basher, Black King Bar, Butterfly and then Abyssal Blade, I'm still not massively convinced about buying Vladmir's Offering and Vanguard, I get Vlads occasionally but I don't like the recent obsession with Vanguard since 6.87. +1 though.
Gil Bot (1) | July 7, 2016 9:56pm
Thanks for all the good words man! :)

Yeah , im planning to make it more colourful than before (since i finished all the details maybe ill put some designs to it)

About the heart of tar***que, yeah the new abyssal blade is good since it gives anti-mage survivability not just raw dmg but sometimes in a few games you will realize your dmg output is acceptable but u still need a lot of EHP to dish out the dmg you want and heart is a good call for that.

Buying vlads is not a good call in all of your games (i only buy vlads if my team is falling behind so hard so i need to buy a cheap item that can help me manfight for a bit and vlads helps a lot and take note it helps your team to since it provides useful auras)

I really never tried to build early VG ever since the time I switched into dota 2, but buying early VG can be good now because of the rework of the abyssal blade. But considering my skill build, i don't thinki will come to a point that i will buy VG first than BF. Still an item that other players may try for themselves though.

Have a niceday! :)
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