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I Played A Lot Of Riki And I Learnt That Opening With Boots Doesn't Work As You Can Die To Easily And Have Your Farm Delayed. If I Learnt One Thing It Is NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER Play Riki Competitevely. Riki Is Way Too Easy To Counter When You Start Playing But When People Start To Become More Aware They Can Pick Up A Gem Of True Sight And Such. Mask Of Madness Is A Debatable Choice Because You Can't Risk The Hero Turning Around When You Are Vaunrable. Good Pub Match Hero Though I Have To Say Thanks For The Info Man
Then in lane build RoB, disassemble when I get RoR to build Tranquil Boots, build RoB again, upgrade to Poorman's Shield, start building SnY or Diffusal Blade.
The extra armor and movement speed lets you get around fast and the regen while moving from gank to gank is helpful and saves buying regen items.
Later Tranquils get sold for other more useful boots as you'll be actively fighting more, and should have Vlads/Heart by then.
Manta/Diffusal are both nice for clearing Smoke.
Interesting, wouldn't hold up too well in competitive play, but it would work just fine in a pub match.
Thnaks for commenting! But I think that Riki should not be used in competitive as he can be easily countered by smart players, so I made this specifically for pub :)