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1 Votes

There are trees...Everywhere.

September 1, 2013 by .lnk
Comments: 5    |    Views: 14581    |   

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.lnk | January 4, 2014 10:48pm
samukobo wrote:

It's fine so far, formatting is decent, but the content is low. Expand more about the laning phase, alliea and enemies, general gameplay, more explanation about the individual item builds and when you should use them and get some vids on how to play him.

Cheers, I'm on holiday atm so I'll get on it ASAP, but I may copy paste it onto my ndw DotaFire account under my username for everything else. thanks for the comment, I'll improve on the content as much as I can.
.lnk | January 4, 2014 10:43pm

Are you the same .Ink that built blink dagger on necrophos as the 1st item then flamed my clinkz for making SKadi even though I was the only reason we won....damn you got balls to be here.

Well first off its L :p
Also, if that was me, it must have been a year ago, because I hate necro, and always build Dagon first item. C: But, I don't think it was seeing as I only used .lnk in 5 or so games, and used the name lnkFiles instead.

If it WAS me, please excuse it. I am younger than alot of people, which is shown with my English, and suck at Doto~
samukobo (28) | January 4, 2014 9:51pm
It's fine so far, formatting is decent, but the content is low. Expand more about the laning phase, alliea and enemies, general gameplay, more explanation about the individual item builds and when you should use them and get some vids on how to play him.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | January 4, 2014 9:39pm
Are you the same .Ink that built blink dagger on necrophos as the 1st item then flamed my clinkz for making SKadi even though I was the only reason we won....damn you got balls to be here.
.lnk | January 4, 2014 6:25pm
I'm back guys, I need feed back so I can improve!
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