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The Wealthy will rise and poor shall fall.

June 28, 2013 by Ophiuchux
Comments: 4    |    Views: 5214    |   


Oh money. This whole world resolves around it, Virtual or Real life everybody needs it Wealthy and poor people die for it, People get greedy for it, and lastly people need it. Well what is 'Gold' well gold is the currency that you use in Dota 2. To make it simple and get straight to the topic its the essential needs to winning.

This guide will teach you.

How you spend it.
How efficiently you use it.
Making money.
Why you are losing money.

How you spend your gold.

Here we are i guess i should say thanks for sparing your time to read one of my first guides and i appreciate any suggestions that are made Thanks beforehand.

Well this topic 'How you spend your gold' is pretty much common sense but there are 5 essential questions you MUST ask yourself before buying an item.

Can i afford it?
Do i need it?
Is there something better?
How long do i have?
How long does it take me to farm it.

Hey umm well what do you mean i dont get it at all!
Here ill give you an example lets say your against a team with more unit action spells than AOE for example Skeleton King, Sven, Dazzle, Batrider and Furion. as you can see there is more unit action spells (Single targer) than AOE so you would think which one is a better choice? Black king baror Linken Spherehere you would think do i need BKB or do i need Linken Sphere then that would lead to. Bkb having a long CD aswell as lasting for longer but then Linken with a shorter CD but only blocking one spell. After that, Is there something better in this scenario it would probably be Pipe of Insight but then again we want to be magic immune that magic resistant items are wiped out so back to the list. Linken or BKB now here is one of the most important factors. Can i afford it?

Well if you have that gold go for it. But if you dont you have to think How long do i have till you push/Enemies push (I will explain that on my next guide). Then how long would it take me to farm it. In this case Linken is ovbiously more expensive up to around 5xxx and BKB at 3900 so if its the case that you have 2k on you now and you need magic immune asap after all those considerations i would chose BKB, BUT if you have about 5mins or 10mins till you next push i would go for Linkens then again you must consider (HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE ME TO FARM IT) If you cant even go out of your base due to offensive wards and heroes wandering around that's a problem (I will explain how to avoid that in the future chapters) So thats it for How you spend your gold.

You probably be bored by now from my wall of text but i dont know how to attach images and etc or a site to find these images.

How efficientaly you spend your gold.

How efficient are you?

Do you buy a Gauntlet of Strength rather than 3 Wood branches?
Tangoes/Salves + Clarity or a bottle?
Do you ward the correct spots?

Okay we come to the first scenario here early game we all need some basic attributes and regeneration. So would you chose Branches or other additional attribute items? Here lets do the maths

Iron wood branch+ 1 to all attribute or a gauntlet of strengththat adds +3 Strength.

Here we go some basic maths.

Lets say we wanted the usual 3 wood branches

53*3 = 159 Gold for +3 all attributes that means we get the strength we need, Intelligence meaning we get mana and agility which is attack speed and .x armor

Or we can have the Gauntlet
Which is simply +3 strength and it costs 150 gold. 9 gold for +6 more attributes. I would certainly go for Branches.

Next scenario what potions/ regeneration should i get lets say you are going against a Tri-Lane at top and you need to constantly regenerate therefore buying alot and alot of regeneration/Consuming items. But which one is worth it? Lets say you are playing Dragon Knight and here you are miserably going against a Tri-Lane getting no farm and depending on the 1Gold/0.8Sec = 5Gold/4Sec and you are constantly getting harassed. Here you would think that im going to put my stats into Dragon blood. Well let me ask you was that the correct option? Okay i wont make you think. But that is wrong. You should put it in Breath so you can stay out of range while using Breath to harass aswell as gaining gold from creeps.

But your not explaining what item im suppose to get. Well a normal Dk should be in Bot or Top lane thus having access to the side shop. What would be better? Ring of regenRing of HealthHelmet of iron willthats a hard question since the gold difference is liquid.

Ring of regen 350, 3 Regeneration per second Your text to link here...
Ring of Health 875, 5 Regeneration per secondHelmet of iron will 950, 5 Regeneration per second + 3 armor
Ring of regen is the easy way to get some fast regen but not as efficient unless you buy 2 but what are you going to do with it just sell it for 50% what you bought it for?

Ring of Health good regenration but expensive and what are you going to buy with it? Battle fury or Linkens? I dont think so

Helmet of iron will (best choice) Due to people harassing (Most likely Auto attacks) Thus the 3 armor will greatly reduce the damage aswell as 5 regen not bad i say.

If you consider all these factors i believe Helmet is the best option.


Where do i ward (Will be explaining in another guide) how will it benefit how much time would it save my teams life? How many kills can i obtain from it. That's something i cant explain to you. What do you say? Experience is the main factor.

Making money.

How do you farm efficiently do you simply farm the lane and get kills whenever you can? No that is absolutely rubbish. Thats why at the end of the game you end up with 300GPM carry.

Few examples of farming efficiently getting a quelling blade for the extra damage and a stout shield to reduce harass damage and to reduce using consumables as much.

If you are Beast Master are lets say you are Radiant you can ask solo Middle and stack ancients aswell as lanning at the same time in addition getting kill whenever you can will give you the best GPM around (400~600) Guaranteed if done correctly same thing as Dire simply go bottom instead.

Then again, Claritiesor Soul Ring? well thats a hard question if you get soul ring, that will reduce the needs for a Bassilious ring aswell as giving decent Hp regen and the active.

So as a summary you would buy clarties if you are only stacking it a specific amount of times e.g till level 6 and soul ring for long term.

Farming as an efficient carry. Why not be in lane aswell as farming the medium camps (Self explanitory)

Im doing what you say but why am i losing money?

Well maybe you are losing money from greedy doings.

Buying back when not needed
Getting greedy and tower diving
Plenty more but that will take forever to explain.


Thanks for reading it (This is my first guide) So there is always room for improvement would love some suggestions for this guide

Also this guide is TBC so please dont flame.

Oh money. This whole world resolves around it, Virtual or Real life everybody needs it Wealthy and poor people die for it, People get greedy for it, and lastly people need it. Well what is 'Gold' well gold is the currency that you use in Dota 2. To make it simple and get straight to the topic its the essential needs to winning.

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