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The way to Zet: "Stats Quo" (Build updated for 7.02, Guide backdated)

March 3, 2017 by Debloper
Comments: 3    |    Views: 22877    |   

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Hamstertamer (89) | June 10, 2016 6:31am
If you want to go Manta Style/ Eye of Skadi/ Butterfly and only use your Tempest Double to right click things in teamfights, why would you ever pick Arc Warden over Terrorblade? TB has easily 3 times the right-click damage output of AW when you consider :

- Better illusion scaling (120% versus 100%)
- Far better illusion uptime
- Better BAT (1.5 versus 1.7)
- Metamorphosis
- Great AGI gain from TB, dumpster tier AGI values from AW

No, gotta be honest, the only point of Tempest Double was to abuse active items and item cooldowns. Since he can't do that anymore, the hero sucks. His only niche was destroyed by a big frozen frog.

Arc Warden is just a bad illusion carry. Pick TB/CK/Naga/PL if you want an illusion carry seriously, they're far better at it.
Debloper | June 10, 2016 7:54am
I somewhat agree with your core-argument, but Arc Warden might be viable in some certain ways, that Terrorblade won't be.
  • Arc isn't cooldown dependent much. TB is.
  • Arc brings better crowd control into the teamfights than TB
  • Arc can have strong impact without illusions, at least more so than TB
  • Arc's tempest can wreck havoc at a different part of the map - almost all the time.
  • Lastly, Arc can be played even as greedy position 3 (like Doom, Dark Seer) whereas TB is most viable as position 1.

Agreed, that not refreshing item active cooldowns is the real big nerf (and I do hope it's reverted), but it's still a pretty strong independent siege unit that doesn't feed bounty on death (compared to Aghs Lone Druid's bear etc.)
cojami | July 19, 2016 8:06pm
hero got ultra nerfed with the refreshed items nerf. was sad... he was so much fun before that.

when you were really ahead, i'd love to throw a refresher into the mix just to create your own army.
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