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2 Votes

The Unusual Gamemodes (comment for mod games)

July 27, 2014 by SoloBrow
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SoloBrow | July 16, 2014 5:02pm
Krwiozerca wrote:

I don't like how you write: "nobody buys detection"; "kill Riki 2-3 times before level 6 and then buy detection and you won the game". It would be too simple.

I really don't get that all ranting about incompetent players. Sure, it happens sometimes, but when you will reach a certain level (I mean - Dota level and hours played) that isn't a big deal. I don't know, maybe I only noticed that there are more decent players than noobs?

Maybe you want to add some better readability or comic style of writing? Possibly. But I do not agree that pubs = noobs 24/7.

P.S. Ability Draft is a terrible mode.

3 points:

1) I do understand what you are saying and by far i believe the DOTA network has been on the upside with more skilled players rather than noobs. That being said, there are many times which I have played various game modes in which people forget DOTA fundamentals because they are focused on themselves and trying to be that ideal hero.

2) Ability draft is also tailored to a specific type of person and is not for everybody.

3) Can you expand upon your point as to readability and comic style of writing? I think you do have a good point if i am understanding you correctly, but im not entirely sure what that means.
Krwiozerca (34) | July 16, 2014 1:58pm
I don't like how you write: "nobody buys detection"; "kill Riki 2-3 times before level 6 and then buy detection and you won the game". It would be too simple.

I really don't get that all ranting about incompetent players. Sure, it happens sometimes, but when you will reach a certain level (I mean - Dota level and hours played) that isn't a big deal. I don't know, maybe I only noticed that there are more decent players than noobs?

Maybe you want to add some better readability or comic style of writing? Possibly. But I do not agree that pubs = noobs 24/7.

P.S. Ability Draft is a terrible mode.
SoloBrow | July 16, 2014 1:15pm
Thanks guys!
ThisGuideIsRadioactive | July 15, 2014 2:27pm
Interestingly thought out, well done.
Caesar Sushi | July 14, 2014 3:32pm
good guide
Caesar Sushi | July 14, 2014 3:31pm
good guide
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