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29 Votes

The Undying Dirge

August 19, 2012 by Henry Spencer
Comments: 4    |    Views: 62467    |   

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xCO2 (72) | August 24, 2012 6:11pm
This is just me going off the build, I have yet to read the guide, Shame on me for even commenting before reading, but I'll get back to it...

Item choice in your builds could be better. Your first build consisted of a pipe, refresher orb, and a Linken; none of which are viable. Your core consists of a pipe, never should a core build rely on such a situational item. You also listed a refresher orb, never will a team fight require you to re-cast your ultimate or tomb for a sacrifice of that much gold. Linken as well is a poor choice, on multiple levels. Your second build was actually pretty solid, but you are recommending resistances with a blademail core, which I simply cannot support. Referring to your skill build, impeccable, very rarely will you need to change the order of the listed leveling.

I will hold off on my decision until I read the full guide, but I would seriously consider adjusting your choice of items.
mibbit | August 23, 2012 11:03pm
I strongly disagree with your guide, seeing as I do quite well with undying and play so so much differently than you. I'm gonna have a couple intro sentences going into how I play him now. I mostly play pub games, so maybe the games you play are different, but for the majority of players, this guide turns undying into what most people think of him as which is: "a hero that can almost do a lot, but under performs no matter what. So he must me under powered."

Vanguard is not gonna help you if you don't get it really fast, usually with undying you want to lane with a gank/carry or mana based support (like disruptor I think?)to dominate lane. You can do mass heals when necessary with soul rip. Undying is not a good tank, any mid to late game carry will destroy him. Go heaven's halberd and arcane boots, the evasion/disarm/slow are fantastic. Heart/bloodstone/linken's is a great second core.

You simply don't have enough health for chain mail, and maybe with some theoretical built refresher would be good, but that would require a blink dagger and undying is too squishy to just ult up and try to out kill people.

Undying is a heavy lane support. Early game terminator if played correctly. Late game he is a support. Tomb stone should be used at lvl 7 at earliest because the the skill only really synergizes with soul rip. If you synergize the two a couple times in 10 minutes ur still at 0 mana in many cases. Tomb stone should be used more as an anti-push skill. I'm not trying to be a ****, I'm just sick of people thinking they know how to play undying and even giving me tips when there isn't a single source of good knowledge on the net, its a weekly problem. I will probably make my own guide sometime soon. Please just give my tips a chance.
StevenLK (10) | August 18, 2012 7:41pm
This is a very detailed guide that I enjoyed reading very much. I like the humor you added in and I agree with both the item choices and skills. +1
Hades4u (296) | August 18, 2012 4:31pm
Wow, really in-depth guide, good job, I'll give you a positive vote! Keep it up man! :)
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