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6 Votes

The Underdog Hero - Silencer

March 17, 2013 by thenflux
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Yoda (9) | March 20, 2013 5:01am
thenflux wrote:

Yes indeed OD easily counters you early game. He (OD) has infinite mana by level 5, and give OD some tranquil boots and he basically does not need to go back to base. "outplay" OD if you want to win because he's a snowball hero.

General clean up done (3/19/13)

True but you can get them as well (tranquils) but generally he's a farming carry. he's more farm dependent than kills. Unlike you who actually needs both... derp.
But as I mentioned OD's only source of right-click is his orb (silencer as well) but you can silence him. both are squishy and item builds are the exact same, but you can stop him from dealing damage. Because of his infinite mana he usually keeps orb on auto-cast (curse of the silent on consider manually casted orbs (i think)). so disarm/silence = dead OD.
And ofc you can coordinate a gank with a stunner. You should go first because he will imprison you.
thenflux | March 19, 2013 7:34am
Thanks for the feedback. Will add more info to the guide as well as images to add colour to the guide itself.

Yoda wrote:

**OD only counters you EARLY GAME, he is useless against you in the lates because:
-While you both steal INT yours is permanent (you can stack it perma).
-his ult is not so effective against you since you should have more INT than him (unless he spammed Astral Imprisonment). But watch out for mana burn tho
-Early game, you to are equally annoying to lane against (it would be fun to solo against each other) But late game, all his DPS fades because you were able to silence him (Like your glaives. his Arcane Orb is his DPS source (silenced OD = dead OD))

Yes indeed OD easily counters you early game. He (OD) has infinite mana by level 5, and give OD some tranquil boots and he basically does not need to go back to base. "outplay" OD if you want to win because he's a snowball hero.

General clean up done (3/19/13)
Yoda (9) | March 19, 2013 3:33am
Wisdomseyes1 wrote:
dreadfully boring to play.

Then you're not playing him right. What's funnier than having a whole team raging at you because you're roflstomping that fed drow and silencing the entire team right before an Epicenter. It's simply how you play a hero that makes him so fun! :d
Unless you mean he's not fun to play against (he's as anti-fun as Anti-Mage)
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 18, 2013 3:29pm
I don't find silencer to be an underdog... i just find him dreadfully boring to play.
Yoda (9) | March 17, 2013 10:50am
Yay!! Finally a Silencer build with a Rod of Atos as a core! :D. This is the exact build i use with silencer. BUT there is one thing i found wrong in your guide:
**OD only counters you EARLY GAME, he is useless against you in the lates because:
-While you both steal INT yours is permanent (you can stack it perma).
-his ult is not so effective against you since you should have more INT than him (unless he spammed Astral Imprisonment). But watch out for mana burn tho
-Early game, you to are equally annoying to lane against (it would be fun to solo against each other) But late game, all his DPS fades because you were able to silence him (Like your glaives. his Arcane Orb is his DPS source (silenced OD = dead OD))
**NEVER EVERRR initiate with Global Silence (use it in the beg of a team fight cuz once they see the debuff they will just run away. Much like Weave or Guardian Angel
**I find his model great!! IMO who doesn't want to be like a ninja knight! throwing glowey
shurikens at people while having a sheild! :D (he has a geeky name tho :l)
Other than that very solid guide.
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