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3 Votes

The Ultimate Phantom Assassin MID GUIDE

July 8, 2014 by danielgomez0
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FleetAU (16) | July 12, 2014 4:30am
As I'm really not a fan of putting PA mid I'm not going to vote on this guide as my opinion is biased, I agree you can do it, I just think its a bad idea. Moving on anyway, I do actually like battlefury on pa as you can farm insanely well, however if you can't get it under 12 min aprox Its probably not worth it, having said that its fantastic late game due the crit-cleave. Vlads is a decent item but I prefer going helm as I pretty much always go satanic fairly quickly. As for drums...well thats a bit iffy I think, phase boots are all you need for movement speed and as the other stuff drums give you, I think there are better items.

Finally I am sick and tired of hearing this: evasion doesn't stack noob jesus such noob. It does stack, just not directly it explains it better than I can on the wiki below.

look people: stop looking like fools

Hope this helped

Peppo_oPaccio (70) | July 9, 2014 3:17am
danielgomez0 wrote:

Maybe I can add the Drum but to be honest there's no point in getting vlad's because if you play in a more serious environment your supports should get it for you because you get almost no advantage from holding the vlad's yourself since all the main benefits you can get from it are auras. But thanks for the Drum part I'll add it to the guide in a bit

So, I just checked DatDota to see the most popular items on PA in competitive, and guess what? Vlad's is the seventh most picked item on her (picked 24 times), while the Drum is just above Battle Fury with 3 more (51) purchases. Aside from stats, I really like a quick Vlad's on farming Heroes because the aura helps a lot in early teamfights; if you let a support buy it, it will only serve as a late game percentage-based boost and the extra armor and mana regen will be almost unnoticeable. Basically, though it's cheap, you're wasting a good (though rather small) portion of its potential that way.
danielgomez0 | July 9, 2014 12:40am

Great guide, love the detail on it! I'm not too familiar with PA mid so this is a great time to try it out. A bit of added presentation and this guide would be near-perfect!

Ty milkshakeburger I'll pleasure you well when i see you
danielgomez0 | July 9, 2014 12:39am

I always prefer going for a Drum of Endurance and/or Vladmir's Offering instead of the BF just because it gives terrible damage for its price (that's why it's used as a farming item on other Heroes), while the items I listed have good auras that help your team in the mid game and let you fight before getting your core. BKB is good, and so are the starting items and the Basher, but even though a "pro player" goes Battle Fury I still think it's not needed on PA.

RTZ and some other pros might go BF, but the majority goes for Drums Vlad's.

Maybe I can add the Drum but to be honest there's no point in getting vlad's because if you play in a more serious environment your supports should get it for you because you get almost no advantage from holding the vlad's yourself since all the main benefits you can get from it are auras. But thanks for the Drum part I'll add it to the guide in a bit
milkshakeburger (4) | July 9, 2014 12:37am
Great guide, love the detail on it! I'm not too familiar with PA mid so this is a great time to try it out. A bit of added presentation and this guide would be near-perfect!
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | July 9, 2014 12:09am
I always prefer going for a Drum of Endurance and/or Vladmir's Offering instead of the BF just because it gives terrible damage for its price (that's why it's used as a farming item on other Heroes), while the items I listed have good auras that help your team in the mid game and let you fight before getting your core. BKB is good, and so are the starting items and the Basher, but even though a "pro player" goes Battle Fury I still think it's not needed on PA.

RTZ and some other pros might go BF, but the majority goes for Drums Vlad's.
danielgomez0 | July 8, 2014 6:35am
Wulfstan wrote:

Now about the guide itself since I am already here. Both variants work, however, I don't really see the purpose of Manta Style on PA. If Arteezy got it, means he got it for a purpose, I am possitive he doesn't buy it every single game.

Could use some extra formatting too. The base is good though.

Like I said it's more team fight oriented and if the enemy team doesn't have good aoe damage, yes I mentioned that it's just a option and also the illusions get your ulti as well so it's pretty good.

Thanks for the advice, I just posted it but it isn't 100% finished I was just excited hehe :D

And as for the spamming I wasn't aware that it wasn't allowed cause I just joined today but I can assure you it won't happen again
Wulfstan (77) | July 8, 2014 6:05am
I'll have to ask you nicely to stop spaming links to your guide in unrelated threads. Thank you.

Now about the guide itself since I am already here. Both variants work, however, I don't really see the purpose of Manta Style on PA. If Arteezy got it, means he got it for a purpose, I am possitive he doesn't buy it every single game.

Could use some extra formatting too. The base is good though.
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