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14 Votes

The Ultimate Bloodseeker Junglemaster 9000

April 10, 2012 by Temez
Comments: 6    |    Views: 43933    |   

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dexterpb | December 21, 2013 7:26am
This will not work, I'm sorry but it won't.
Lingonius | December 6, 2012 2:49pm
I went ahead and tried this out. The starting items were very helpful with jungling. I was able to jungle almost non-stop for the first 6-7 minutes.

The game I was in required me to begin helping with ganks early on so I decided to go for Rupture at level 6. However, if the lanes are doing alright without you, I see no reason not to just stay in the jungle and come out swinging with a big item.

We were losing quite consistently. The turning point for me as Bloodseeker was getting the Armlet. I ended up surviving over five situations just because of Armlet. It even allowed me to turn around and kill a Viper who was expecting me to die. The 40 damage is just really helpful!

After that I built a Poor Man's Shield just to turn the Stout Shield into something. Then a Mask of Madness because I was actually doing a decent amount of damage to people. The movespeed bonus is no joke, I was running arounf with 522 Movespeed a lot of the time. It was crazy easy to farm and to team fight.

The only logical thing to do was to get a Basher. Dear god, I was destroying people. They would ignore me because I was so useless during the early game. But suddenly I was taking people down FAST, and a lot of them couldn't out run me. Being able to silence their heavy casters or increase my damage was just too much for them.

From there on I just worked my way up to ***ult Cuirass, but it was honestly over before then.

Thanks for the guide, Temez.
UKite | April 20, 2012 5:16pm
no way its gonna work. BS is one of the best gankers and you offer to take a rupture late. At lvl 6 BS should get his first kill. That's why I take Thirst at level 5. Bloodrage makes him a good harraser especially in the early game against any int character.

My final build

Core items.
Phase Boots
Force stuff (use it with your ulti)

You can also buy Butterfly or Daedalus. Dagon is also a good option.
thedirtywizard | April 10, 2012 2:34pm
Usually Bloodseeker is a gank monster. With no levels of Thirst and leveling Rupture late, and your only item granting you extra movespeed being Mask of Madness, maybe replace Assault Cuirass with a Sange and Yasha. You still get good attack speed, but you also get more movespeed and a slow on your attacks. Food for thought? Still a good guide for a jungle BS.
Temez | April 10, 2012 2:03pm
cuz of epic movement speed + mad attack speed with cuirass!
Swordz (2) | April 10, 2012 1:07pm
Why mask of madness if bloodseeker doesn't have anything to proc?
if yout want lifesteal just get vlads.
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