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6 Votes

The true guide for poor nerfed Enchantress

May 3, 2017 by DioX
Comments: 12    |    Views: 25946    |   

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knight96-1994 (2) | May 8, 2017 9:12am
Stop making guides, seriously. Your attitude is unbelievably toxic and honestly, no one gives a damn about your MMR, your smurf account and whatsoever.
Go and play at The International, but stop acting like God among men.
And learn english
DioX (1) | May 8, 2017 7:01pm
Okay I will if I have a team. Your just talking non-sence so people cannot use this guide.
DioX (1) | May 8, 2017 7:44am
How will this people can get more stupid? I have higher mmr than them.
masaaki14 (11) | May 8, 2017 11:37pm
Having a higher mmr simply means you win more games than others. It doesn't make you able to suddenly make great guides that everyone can use, and having that "everyone who doesn't like my guide is an idiot" attitude doesn't help. Your guides are simply not good, that's why no one likes them.
DioX (1) | May 9, 2017 4:43am
well THEY ARE. and why are they still paying attention to it? they can just get a life and stop playing dota 2.
ChiChi (47) | May 6, 2017 1:15pm
A guide that starts "Hi so its me again. I CANT HANDLE CRITICISM so please stop" and suggests Orb of Venom and Bloodstone on "nerfed" Enchantress. Oh boy XD

Maybe you'd like to rethink the way you face guides here mate, especially if you want people to take them seriously and like them...
DioX (1) | May 6, 2017 1:19pm
Enchantress's passive is no longer good. what you expect? people will no longer run away from encahntress instead they will just get close to her and kill her.

I have no idea but I think dotabuff, steam dota 2 and dotafire forums has its own trollness and hatred. but I don't complain because I know why they are always foruming here 24/7 because they don't have facebook and started trolling everything they do in all dota 2 forum.
ChiChi (47) | May 6, 2017 2:50pm
Trust me, there's no trollness here. You just suggest really bad builds for the heroes and I can't even understand why because I don't know what you mean exactly. For instance, I don't understand why you think Untouchable is bad, not that I wouldn't maybe agree with your reasoning, I just can't even understand the reasoning itself.

Just try to explain yourself better and assume people are trying to help you too and discuss ideas. No one here is pro, we're all just trying to improve at the game and have fun, while sharing things that we think will help other people. But you can't do that if you close yourself up and assume everyone that disagrees wiht you is a "hater" or a "troll"...
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Hamstertamer (89) | May 4, 2017 12:18am
Nerfed Enchantress? Her range was nerfed? Harshly nerfed? Ummm...wut?

Enchantress got non-stop buffs in the past 2 years. Even the 6.87 Impetus "nerf" was actually a buff because the patch made impetus damage scale with her INT.
DioX (1) | May 4, 2017 4:22am
exactly, valve made her ranged like templar assassin's psi attack.

"was actually a buff because the patch made impetus damage scale with her INT."

Places an enchantment on each attack while activated, causing it to deal additional damage based on how far away the target is. The farther the target, the greater the damage dealt.

still sucks you can just stand close to enchantress and kill her unless she runs away and if you follow her she turns back and hits you then turns back again until their teammates help it kill enchantress.

nerf range and more int buffs but there's no regeneration. weak.
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