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C'mon, if it was 3 years ago back when Battle Trance was still OP, I would say sure it's great, but Troll ult has been nerfed way over the top and actually right now his ult is the weakest part about the hero, by far even.
The strongest part about Troll is his 2 passives, because his Q is a bash with free movement speed and free BAT, and his E is 130-something free attack speed. But you only take advantage of that if you build carry items.
Troll used to be played as a utility/semi-support a few years ago in competitive simply because of synergies with his ult, but since the nerfs to his ult he has only been played as a carry. And then his ult got nerfed even more in 6.84! If he got an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade that makes Battle Trance awesome again, then sure, but right now...just compare a Troll without items and say a Vengeful Spirit or Dazzle without items, or a support Sven with aghs :)
Agreed it should be buffed back to at least 6 seconds but the ulti is a bit op when it is at 7 sec tho.
Before 6.84 I loved troll so much that I play him in almost every match because of his unstoppable left clicking that can crush even the most tankiest heroes early except for pudge tho. His blind and slow is also incredibly powerful as ur aoe blind can render left clickers vunerable. Slow can really finish off enemies since the animation moves in a straight line.
C'mon, if it was 3 years ago back when Battle Trance was still OP, I would say sure it's great, but Troll ult has been nerfed way over the top and actually right now his ult is the weakest part about the hero, by far even.
The strongest part about Troll is his 2 passives, because his Q is a bash with free movement speed and free BAT, and his E is 130-something free attack speed. But you only take advantage of that if you build carry items.
Troll used to be played as a utility/semi-support a few years ago in competitive simply because of synergies with his ult, but since the nerfs to his ult he has only been played as a carry. And then his ult got nerfed even more in 6.84! If he got an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade that makes Battle Trance awesome again, then sure, but right now...just compare a Troll without items and say a Vengeful Spirit or Dazzle without items, or a support Sven with aghs :)
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C'mon, if it was 3 years ago back when
The strongest part about Troll is his 2 passives, because his Q is a bash with free movement speed and free BAT, and his E is 130-something free attack speed. But you only take advantage of that if you build carry items.
Troll used to be played as a utility/semi-support a few years ago in competitive simply because of synergies with his ult, but since the nerfs to his ult he has only been played as a carry. And then his ult got nerfed even more in 6.84! If he got an
Agreed it should be buffed back to at least 6 seconds but the ulti is a bit op when it is at 7 sec tho.
Before 6.84 I loved troll so much that I play him in almost every match because of his unstoppable left clicking that can crush even the most tankiest heroes early except for pudge tho. His blind and slow is also incredibly powerful as ur aoe blind can render left clickers vunerable. Slow can really finish off enemies since the animation moves in a straight line.
The strongest part about Troll is his 2 passives, because his Q is a bash with free movement speed and free BAT, and his E is 130-something free attack speed. But you only take advantage of that if you build carry items.
Troll used to be played as a utility/semi-support a few years ago in competitive simply because of synergies with his ult, but since the nerfs to his ult he has only been played as a carry. And then his ult got nerfed even more in 6.84! If he got an