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The Trees Guide Me: An Advanced Prophet Guide (Updated: 3/22/13)

March 26, 2013 by nopunt
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Esparda | April 11, 2015 6:40pm
Hey, I created an account just to ask you this: how the hell did you manage to do that well against spectre?
nopunt | March 15, 2013 2:13pm
depparted wrote:

You keep talking about cost efficiency, but I think you're forgeting the hero you're playing...
Furion can literally farm the whole map, farm here isn't the problem, the problem is escaping, and with 100 extra move speed, specially if you get a manta, only a handful of heroes will ever be able to catch up to you. And once again, nobody here is saying go travels first item, this is an item to get after the 45 minutes mark, where you'll probably be 6 slotted already, unless you're having a really bad game.
And not having boots, specially in the later portions of the game is bad. Unless you're stomping, then by all means, get 6 divines
Seems to me that every game you play as furion you either stomped or got stomped, so you never really understood why some items are built and some are not

I agree that you wouldn't be trying to go BoT until the 45 min mark or later but at the point in the game you really don't need the walking mobility (unless you're playing really riskily). Having more damage or another disable is far more important in most situations (as you're still getting MS from Manta). The only time the MS is necessary is if your split pushing/ganking into a bad situation. By this I mean that your split pushing by yourself when their whole team (or most of the their team) is not visible on the map or trying to pick off someone near their whole team. And even having the increased MS and extra TP isn't necessarily going to save you. However, if you pay attention in the mini map and only split push/gank when its fairly safe (ie: their team is pushing, team fighting, roshing, etc) then you don't need the MS at all. And having an extra disable, more health, or that extra damage can sometimes win you the game. I've played several games where my team is down 10-20 kills and we win because my team baits them into a team fight then scatters while I split push rax and the throne.

And I do understand why people think it is necessary to have BoT, but a good Prophet should be trying to avoid those situations. It's the same reasoning why Shadow Blade isn't necessarily a good item: it lures you into the false sense of security that you can push/gank beyond your means. But if BoT fits your play style because you play really risky, then by all means get it. I'm more or less trying to teach people (especially new Prophet players) that the situations that you would need a BoT can be avoided with map awareness. And that you don't need those items.
depparted (3) | March 15, 2013 1:09pm
You keep talking about cost efficiency, but I think you're forgeting the hero you're playing...
Furion can literally farm the whole map, farm here isn't the problem, the problem is escaping, and with 100 extra move speed, specially if you get a manta, only a handful of heroes will ever be able to catch up to you. And once again, nobody here is saying go travels first item, this is an item to get after the 45 minutes mark, where you'll probably be 6 slotted already, unless you're having a really bad game.
And not having boots, specially in the later portions of the game is bad. Unless you're stomping, then by all means, get 6 divines
Seems to me that every game you play as furion you either stomped or got stomped, so you never really understood why some items are built and some are not
nopunt | March 13, 2013 3:25pm
Nubtrain wrote:

It's actually about 15 uses of TP, the cost of regular boots shouldn't count since you carry one with you regardless if you upgraded or not :P

by the end game (which is when people get BoT) I dont have any boots...i sell my power treads for a better item (which is why i say 19)...but yeah, its still a lot of TP scrolls either way.
Nubtrain (58) | March 13, 2013 4:42am
It's actually about 15 uses of TP, the cost of regular boots shouldn't count since you carry one with you regardless if you upgraded or not :P
xCO2 (72) | February 26, 2013 8:12pm
nopunt wrote:

Everyone's reasoning looked pretty informed to me, you made a section that included some items that you thought should never in any situation be picked up, you were given counter arguments as to when and why they can and should be picked up. As for raging, looked like most people gave some pretty solid criticism in a calm manner, from reading your comments it just seems you can't take criticism.

I can counter-debate all your points and make a valid argument, but after my first post I can see that you're not open to optimizing your guide.
nopunt | February 26, 2013 7:44pm
magicmerl wrote:

Your guide itself isn't bad, but the way you are talking in the thread is.... It's hard to tell who the troll is, you or the people you are arguing with.

LOL...i'd almost agree with you on the Trolling except that if you read his [harumage] last post he agreed he never read any of my reasoning against everything he was arguing about. After reading it he ended up agreeing with me. I just don't like it when people make uninformed arguments. And based on all of their posts I can tell they didn't read my descriptions based on what they were saying. Just a note though for context: a while back I had "Items to Never Buy" listed in the item build at the top. So they were just seeing that then raging without reading why I say not to buy them. Which is why I went ahead and removed that part and just left it as a whole section. That way people will have to actually read it. I'm fine with constructive criticism; as long as it's INFORMED criticism.
magicmerl (6) | February 26, 2013 5:37pm
Your guide itself isn't bad, but the way you are talking in the thread is.... It's hard to tell who the troll is, you or the people you are arguing with.
harumage (15) | February 18, 2013 7:05pm
Yup i actually agree on what you are saying, i do agree i did not read indepth on your guide, which actually gave me a different perspective on playing prophet.
nopunt | February 18, 2013 3:23pm
harumage wrote:

FYI #3 For boots of travel, you dont actually take the cost of 2450 and compare it to 18 TP scrolls. IT would be more fair to compare it to threads worth 1400 or phase 1350. The remaining cost would be 1100, which is about 8-9 tp scrolls. Unless you are telling me, you dont buy as much TP scrolls per game. And yeah im just saying, no reason to get worked up yeah? And if you read my comment, like i said, Travel is good late game, because prophet gets to his full build quickly with lotsa farm, he needs the slot. Travel = 1 slot, threads/phase + TP = 2 slots. Now im just stating what i think is actually true about heroes getting BoT late game, no need to get worked up bro

I guess you didn't notice this either, but there are no boots in my final build. Boots (being Power Treads) are really only worth the slot early-mid game and by the end game I sell them too. By the time you get to the point where you are item maxed, boots are no longer necessary on Prophet. You already have enough mobility with just teleport. And yes i was saying that I buy less than 8-9 Tp scrolls a game as Prophet. In fact on average I buy 0-1 TP Scrolls a game as Prophet. Now as any other hero, I buy a ton of TP scrolls but on Prophet, at least in my opinion, they are almost useless except in vary specific situations that, for the most part, I avoid with map awareness, juking, and teamwork. And I wasn't really trying to get worked up, I had just woken up. So sorry about that. It's more that I'm tired of seeing Prophets fail because of their item choices in high level games (especially when they are on my team). And then they blame it on the rest of the team when they constantly die with Shadow Blade, Dagon, BoT, etc. because the enemy team countered them. And I agree with your Shadow Blade point, as I said in an earlier post, I don't mind it in pub games. But I see it fail far too often in high level games for it to be worth the cost. I used to use it all the time in my build before I figured out that getting a disable like sheep and building stats for health helps you in those situations even better (when people tp in on a tower you are trying to push). So again, sorry about jumping on it this morning but it really did sound like (and still kind of sounds like) you didn't actually read the guide as there are several things that you didn't notice that I mentioned.
idioty94 | February 18, 2013 8:03am
noobydoggy wrote:

i think ur guide is rubbish. please remove it.

hey dude chill. This guide is average, so just screw off
noobydoggy (1) | February 18, 2013 8:02am
i think ur guide is rubbish. please remove it.
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