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Go with te tide!
This being said, I don't like Blink Dagger on TH, mainly because I suck at microing it, so, why not give the build a try...
I went in order
Didn't have mana issues like I thought I would, I'll definitely try this one again!
However a couple of minor things I would comment on.
In early & core items the 2nd
If you're getting a lot of gold early on I would highly recommend swapping out the
Extensions to the core items I would recommend are
One last thing.
I definitely feel you underestimate anchorsmashes damage as a farming tool. As this build focuses on farming up those items the aoe damage can clear creep camps/waves pretty quickly when leveled up, and any extra dps in a teamfight is welcome!
Match ID: 17956842
- I literally laughed at this sentence.
By this logic, Lina should take 1 level of Light Strike Array (for the stun) and then take stats for the rest of the game, "lest [she] steal kills from the carries." Vengeful spirit should only take 1 level of magic missile, "lest [she] steal kills from the carries." Venomancer should only take 1 level of Gale and 1 level of Wards, "lest [he] steal kills from the carries."
In very few situations should a hero not maximize their damage. Anchor smash isn't passive, so in order to steal kills, you'd be casting it purposefully. If you don't want to steal kills from your carry, then don't cast anchor smash when a carry is about to last hit a hero.
Lastly, most good players don't build a fast blink dagger on Tidehunter; they pick heroes like Tiny and Windrunner and use Toss/Forcestaff to get Tidehunter to the center of fights. Tidehunter doesn't concentrate on mobility, he concentrates on helping his teammates. This is why good items on Tidehunter include Hood/Pipe, Mekanism, Drum of Endurance, Manaboots, Wards, and in some situations, Urn, Medallion, or Vladimirs.