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4 Votes

The Skeleton king dominating guide

May 9, 2012 by cignus22
Comments: 2    |    Views: 17793    |   

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cignus22 | May 10, 2012 9:50am
Imo i thinks it's very usefull to give your own minions a lifesteal, you may like the fact that if there is ranged carry, you aren't overfarmed so quick, that's not much but it can give you the little time you need to kill the medium and/or small area in the jungle.
I'm not talking about hard jungling, just killing jungle creeps as often as you can while your lane isn't in danger. As S.King jungle pretty fast it's not like you were leaving the lane or something. Plus you can come back from the jungle by the upper/lower path to make a good gank. In fact this is really situational, against some ennemies you may not have enought time, but it's,imo a viable option to use the jungle at your advantage.

Then for the soul ring, that i tried, i thinks that even if its really cheap isn't really usefull in the long term. I rather save for an oblivion staff which really suit to a carry and then it can be upgraded to Orchid malevolence. The orchid malevolance is made from a lot of items, you can buy them in the order you want, if you want mana, you can buy the robe of the magi first then a sage mask.
I thinks that it's a good item, the silence and the +25% damage can really be helpful.
Sir Dan | May 9, 2012 12:27pm
There are a few issues that I have with this guide. Skilling life steal early in lane makes your melee creeps recover health, which pushes the lane under their tower, which makes it very hard to farm.

Starting in lane and leaving for the jungle leaves your lane partner out to dry. People can solo against 2 heroes, but that's only because they get more xp. You're stealing all of his xp/gold then leaving an underlevelled/underfarmed support to fight against two people in lane (and he's gonna get rocked).

Get soul ring instead of Orchid. Soul ring gives you the mana for a stun at the cost of 150 hp. You get that 150 hp back by hitting the stunned person a few times. It's 4225 cheaper.
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