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The Sacred Relationship between a Carry and Support

May 12, 2014 by Smuggels
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words go below...i think ... are they there? ...

Last night i was looking back on my incredibly long time and considerable experience playing dota2 ...(read: a year or so... please me noob haz wards where place pls halp)

This reflection time imbued me with an epiphany of biblical proportions about the relationship between a Hard Carry and a Support.

its a Marriage...(wow cue mind blown right!)

Now let me explain oh'fellow dota devotee's in this highly informative and totally not ******** guide to the Sacred (and way to close) relationship between a Carry and his Support.

The Meeting...

How is the relationship between a carry and a support like a marriage you ask? well lets start at the beginning...

ill set the scene...

you just entered the pub and -SMASHBROS#dotagod245- randoms a faceless void.

"aww nice random" you type into all chat.

"ill support AA" ...

now this is when your thinking *oh god please know what your doing, please sweet merciful lord Gabe up in steam Heaven let this guy know how to play carry"

now dont lie ... you all think it ... if not then ... well im weird but anyway.

you and, lets call him/her "Smashy", trundle off to your lane like its a first date and your off to the cinema to watch a movie... its slightly awkward, you dont know what to say and you dont want to get to close...

this is "The Meeting", its a cautious time where neither of you know just whether or not the other will do what their role entails ... will they last hit/deny like a drunken sailor on shore leave? Will the support actually ******** support and not start building a armlet on a dazzle? this time period is sooo fragile since one small mistake can cement a image of how the other is at their role. Be it a image of competency or one of a ******ed idiot repetitively slamming his head into the keyboard thinking *SLAM*me so pro*SLAM*look at how good i am at dying*SLAM*...

Just like on first date the fragility of decisions each of you make is evident... will they find my collection of nose hairs interesting? ... usually ... if you pick a scary movie to watch then scream like a little girl at the title screen... then i highly doubt you will be getting a second date...unless they like that stuff.... then id be worried for your safety ...


1. if you have a microphone ...USE IT!! something about hearing those dulcet tones seems to elicit a familiarity at an early stage. if you hear someones voice then they cant just be a random computer overlord. this could be called the "OMG ITS A PEOPLE" stage.

2. generally try to be nice, for some reason swearing and telling people "please dont feed you Noobs" doesn't seem to have a positive effect... in my experience anyway. a good way to start this is to talk about previous games you just had ... i.e "Man just had a 70 minute game that ended in a base race" ... DONT TALK ABOUT PREVIOUS DATES THOUGH!!! ... make them feel like they're your first !! (surprisingly works in real life too ! huh who'd have thunk it!)

3. Talk a bit but not too much .. listen to them. ask their opinion on things ...i.e " you think we should go for that veno in 5 mins?" ... again Suprisingly this works in real life too ... no seriously it does ... women love to talk ... no im not joking ... no seriously ... NO REALLY THEY DO!.... <<< that btw was sarcasm ...

4. Communication is the key to a good first laning experience/date ... if you talk to them and they talk back then well played your first date/lane is a Success ... unless they are Russian .... then i feel for you bro.

but i digress... it is after this, awkward "should i hold there hand" stage, that your relationship enters the....

"Sweet merciful mary mother of zues, sister to thor, would you look at that!!!"

"Sweet merciful Mary mother of Zues, sister to Thor, would you look at that!!!"

this stage is usually realised when you notice your lane partner doing something that is in a single word ... correct.

As a support you might notice that your carry has been consecutively getting every... single...last...hit, and you just sit there and go ... "oh sweet merciful...blah blah blah ... smashy's LS is 62/9 in 5 mins jesus christ"

or as a carry you might notice that your support AA just bought wards 1 min before the current ones expire, or that they might have noticed you are low on mana and have given you a clarity or in the rare, rare, oh so ******** rare times ... that your support has sacrificed themselves to let you live (note: if as a support, you know to do this, then i will find you, i will friend you and i will play with you, you sweet rare treasure of Doto)....

i call this the "Golden Moment". The moment when you realise that this guy knows what he's doing and that weight that was sitting just on the back of your neck is lifted and it feels like the birds have come out and there are rainbows of gold being fired through the air by laughing scantily clad nymphs of sunlight who look at you with that certain....*ahem* anyway...

After you and him/her have this realization you enter into what i call ...

"The Honeymoon"

The Honeymoon ... Boca Boca here we come!

now knowing that your carry/support actually knows what they are doing, you start to communicate more, you set up ganks, you make plays, your support saves you from death, your carry gets a 12 min Battlefury, your support wards like its his only duty.

this is like a honeymoon is so far as ... neither of you can do no wrong... you accidentally ordered peanuts when you know she is frighteningly allergic? No worries Honey its ok i can totally survive with a slowly closing air tract... oh na there is no way shes flirting with the waiter, and if she is, its to get us a cheaper bill god shes sooo smart...

and thats like in game also... your carry retreats when he could have got a double kill after you used everything on them and they were down to 1/10 hp and leaves you there to die? ... noo its ok you survive smashy your more important. your support steals a crucial kill that you needed to finish a core item ? ... noo its ok dude you finish your bracers.

because they are good at their job you cut them slack and you let them off for mistakes made... this is a nice time when everything is rosy and nice and great and all is right in the world and Gabe is going to make 3's of things and steam sales dont leave you penniless and unable to afford food.

but... slowly you start to get annoyed with things they do... the glory haze disappears and that's when you enter the stage called...

"You Don't Appreciate me!!!... Well Im Making all the money so lay off!!"

You Never Take Me Anywhere Nice!! ... Wheres My Roses!!!

This stage of the relationship between you and your carry or you and your support is shown through one thing .... passive aggressiveness.

You all know what im talking about ... let me give you some phrases that are oh so ******** common in Doto...

"well if you didnt have that ward there you wouldnt have seen them coming!"

"hey i wonder where our ward went?"

"man i wish we had a stun then, oh wait where's witch doctor gone?"

"if we had 5 men then we might have won that team fight, but someone wants to farm!"


well not so much the last one.. (i lie i just cant do justice to the level of poetic swearing that guy came to... seriously it was like an art form)

this passive aggressiveness happens because we feel that since the start of the game being so nice and wonderful after finding a good player that we are now stuck into that "nice" mind frame ... this happens in a marriage too until you explode with pent up anger!!...

this is usually around the 30-40 min mark, since that's when supports are losing their usefulness and carries are coming online...thus if a carry is behind in his farm he will blame the supports and if the supports are dying because of a lack of carry they will blame the carry ..."noob lifestealer why no infest" (that actually legit happened btw ... lvl 11 lifestealer with no infest it hurt my eyes to watch ...)

and with any marriage this is the moment i call... "The Trial by fire"

it is at this time that both partners need to start putting aside their anger and work towards making it work ... some crash and burn in spectacular fashion (cue buying 20 couriers and having a race, or just afk'ing till finish) and others pull together and make it work ...

like a carry and a support this is when you both put aside your annoyances and bickering and work together to win the game. be it as a support baiting 4 men into a chronosphere or the carry coming to the rescue of the support...

once the relationship has passed through the trial by fire you arrive at the final stage of the relationship depending upon your decisions.....

"A Good Marriage"


"I hate you i Hate you i want A Divorce"

ill start with the Divorce process...

How to avoid a Costly Divorce!! ... or Go out with Style!

Sometimes ... when all is said and done ... you cant get over the problems that arise after the honeymoon.

now if you get to this stage and all you want to is Force Staff them onto a cliff i advise this cost effective and easy process to avoid a costly divorce... for only 3 easy payments of 19.95$ ... jks but seriously.

1. As mush as they have annoyed you, always remember Dota is a TEAM game so even though you wish friendly fire was allowed so you could Doom them to death ... stop.

2.Breath... pause for a moment and try and think about the game not in terms of me and him and them ... more in terms of US and THEM. make the decision to reign in those nasty thoughts about force staffs and chrono's and start thinking about what you can do to make it easier on your team. if your a carry and have 4 core items? and you support is struggling to finish mek? ... buy wards for them. so they can use that 200 gold towards their mek. if your a support and see your carry farming the jungle? maybe stack a few camps in your spare time or sentry the jungle to help stop ganks on them.

3. once your head is back in the game .... things should flow a bit better ... hopefully.


Now ... if your support/carry has turned into a Manic raving rabies carrying tourrets afflicted 10 year old Call of duty player and all you want to do is find his ip adress and spam it with viagra advertisements. there is a way to go out with style to show that your going to keep the house and the car and basically his soul....

3 step process for winning a rough divorce.

1. report them first. easy simple and once done you will feel better (slightly)

2. buy troll items. force staff being key. then proceed to force them into anything they cant get out of... cliffs tree's... and enemy team.

as bad as this is after a couple of times they will get the idea and calm down a bit and focus on the game ... if not then well ... Force away :)

3. the best thing to do in my eyes is this .... withhold at a key moment ... act as if everything is fine and dandy then .... oh your surrounded and need a recall? .... woops sorry just recalled someone else .... right ... next ... to ... you ....

gg even though you will lose (which you most likely are already since who the hell flames when winning...oh wait ... Russians) it means you havent just sat back and taken abuse. wp.

BUT!!!! if you get through the "Trial By Fire" intact and working as a team then you will now have the foundation of a "Good Marriage" ...

Happily Ever After....unless they are Russian ... then burn it .. BURN IT ALLLL

this stage is when you both come into the knowledge that you cant win by yourself, you need each other (totally didnt mean that to sound romantic but ... meh) you need the disables and buffs and heals and debuffs supplied by your support... you need the damage, attack speed and supreme unkillabilty of your carry. you now know that without one there can be no win ... this is what i call..

"The Ying and Yang realization"

without Ying there is no yang and with yang there is no Chinese restaurant down the road since he is their chef and he makes these amazing dim sums that are just incredible i have no idea what he uses in the sauce but woooweee they ... err *AHEM* ...

the knowledge that comes from this realisation makes you both play like doto gods ... everything works because you both know what your roles are and you can TRUST the other to do what they should be doing ...

this is what a good marriage comes down too .....TRUST.

and then you win and start another and you get laned with a Spectre that keep getting stuck in the trees when dagger runs out and you just sit there going ... i wish i could sent an electric current through that players computer to burn there retinas ....


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