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(English is MY first language but I do not really care for spelling or grammar)
Earthshaker is meant to be played one way and one way only, you are your carry's *****. What this means is that you are to only deny and push back the enemy heroes, never last hit a creep when your carry can get it. You are also to set up kills for your carry fissure is a great way to do this, separating there carry from there babysitter is a kill waiting to happen, once again let your carry last hit. ONLY KILL THEM IF CARRY CAN NOT GET TO THEM, the best places to do this will be shown later on for your fissure.
if your playing pubs you most likely would have to buy a courier, if you have a good team they will buy the courier allowing you to buy wards. Wards can help stop players like pudge grappling threw trees, allowing for you to see them and intervene allowing for a easy tank for your carry.
Ring of protection:
Sure the added armour is nice, but this is a leading item to the ring of basilius, this item is great to add a good mana aura and give everyone around you 2 more armour, since your a support by items with auras or disables.
Iron branch:
The reason you only need one is that you need a lot of clarity, for every clarity you have it allows for another kill for you carry (if your good with your fissure). The iron branch is also leading to a wand to help with a quick mana gain and health gain when needed.
This should be obvious, this allows for increased regeneration to heal when you get hurt, after your second or third assisted gank from the same area, they will send a team of 3 or 4 sometimes even 5 to kill you and your carry. Don't be afraid fissure can be a great for stoping chases, if you die tough luck if your carry dies you have failed your job, your wards should allow you to see there flank fissure it off and allow you carry to get away.
Healing salve:
This is from when you get hit hard assisting a gank, go back to your tower and use it healing you to around full health, when done go back to where there is a good fissure spot. This is key in the build as it allows for your carry to have a babysitter for longer.
left over money spend on clarity
Arcane boots:
Arcane boots are great early game, allowing for quick mana regen when needed keeping your fissure at hand. You can go for boots of travel, but as I said before you are YOUR CARRYS ***** and you should never have enough for these, if you do your playing him wrong. These boots are also great as a support item, when your carry is low on mana you can use these boots to give him some mana.
Ring of basilius:
Auras are great on support heros, this ring is cheap and offers a good effect, you also have only around a 325 gold item to buy after you bought your ring of protection. This is straight forward adding armour and mana, I do believe this is core, but many people want include this in there build.
Blink dagger:
Blink dagger works very well as it support all your abilities, you can blink in set up your ultimate and fissure then activate your totem stunning them for a long time. Take note you need to time these abilities after that you can blink out. This is the most important item you can get.
You should not be able to get these items the reason is that your carry should get all the farm, and kills. Leaving you with little money.
If you do get one of the items it's ok, go for support items like Meka, pipe and vlads. There are also several item that do benefits Earthshaker but not the team. You should be always buying wards, placing them to protect your carry.
In this phase you are to set up easy kills for your carry, get there carry away from there babysitter, with the fissure block him from helping. You are to then try and kill there babysitter, if your carry can not get to him, helping your carry kill is first. You can use your fissure to stun then hit them once allowing for last hits to go to your carry. You are also to protect him using fissure to block a lane when he is being chased, you can then proceeded to try an escape or fight, his life is worth more than yours.
Team fight:
You can intimate or come in later and stun everyone and heal them, (if you have Meka), this allows for your team to have the advantage of an early health advantage. The other option is to fissure half of there team off making it 5 v 3 or 5v2, then blink in and set off your ultimate, and activate your totem, your fissure should be ready again then, if so use it again. Try and protect your carry.
Don't try using Earthshaker if you play dota 2 similar to COD or if you care about your K/D, your job is to get them assists, if you finish a game with 20 or 30 assists you have done good. Getting more than 4 kills is bad, unless they have targeted you and you have killed from that, no more than 4 contested kills should be taken from your carry. If you had a lot of deaths and your carry had none, you have perfected the art of Earthshaker.
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