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16 Votes

The real Tony Stark. THE best skillbuild.

February 5, 2014 by Timminatorr
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JasChe_XXIV (2) | June 6, 2014 5:27am
Just... lol

I also +1ed it Tim. Gonna try Clockwerk as my first melee Hero, I know your guide will help me learn xD

I'll also be one of the people who wants that expanded version of this guide. a
Donald0son (1) | May 2, 2014 2:00am
Hi bro, thanks for the guide and personally i feel some really great work was done on this. I have recently started playing offlane a lot more so been playing a few heros who suit this role.

I like the skill build though i personally take rocket flare level 1 most of the time over cogs but i can see the reasoning for going cogs at 1 and will think on this more, definitely not against it.

After looking over your guide i have tried a few item builds in both ranked games and against bots, so far i lean towards tangoes, salve and branches to start off, build into phase boots, bottle then magic stick, blade mail then aghs. This can change but so far so good using that start. Afterwards is situaltion depending on who the enemy hero's are.

I love flying around the map with that 12 second cooldown after aghs :D

Awesome guide though bro and has certianly helped me in my starting journey playing Clockwerk. +1
Mixxer | April 12, 2014 6:25am
6.80 Tranquil boots are great on clockwerk. About 400 gold cheaper then the other boots , good speed not as realiable speed as phase but still faster then the rest. And you get 4 armor and regen. So damn nice in lane for clock. Its the best boots in imo.

I actaully like to just build tranq and magic stick. With skipping bottle and phase i got 1000 gold that i can put to a fast blademail or whatever. Offlane build ofc. Saw bone 7 do this build first and its great.
Timminatorr (57) | March 14, 2014 12:52pm
Thanks everyone. =D

Wulfstan wrote:

I don't really agree with that choice of Orchid.In my opinion, you should try out getting a rod of atos, since it gives both HP and mana.Orchid is not well suited for him in my opinion,a cogged target in 99% of the cases is dead, you don't need to really silence it.

I dont think atos is ever really needed, that is why i didnt add it.
Orchid is more of a situational item against heroes like storm/ember spirit, queen of pain, puck and anti mage who can escape power cogs.

I dont get it often but it is certainly legit if you dont have enough lockdown.

Apart from scepter, AC, heart (which i hardly hardly hardly get), all the items you get are about the actives, stats are just added benefits.
Id would probably rather get hex or orchid even if they wouldnt give stats over rod of atos on clockwerk.
Wulfstan (77) | February 27, 2014 4:18pm
I don't really agree with that choice of Orchid.In my opinion, you should try out getting a rod of atos, since it gives both HP and mana.Orchid is not well suited for him in my opinion,a cogged target in 99% of the cases is dead, you don't need to really silence it.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 27, 2014 4:00pm
nobody slates the TIMMINATOR
Super Axe (2) | February 27, 2014 3:16pm
After your slating of my guide, I decided to come over here to do some slating of my own, but unfortunately I agree with basically everything you are saying :( Congratz on a good guide, +1
Timminatorr (57) | February 7, 2014 5:42pm
HueHang wrote:

Hi Timminatorr,
thanks for your good basic guide to Clockwerk! Mekansm is in my opinion a situational item on Clockwerk. It should only bought if no one in your team gets it. Heroes like Necrophos or Phoenix are better candidates for Mekansm. Clockwerk has a low manapool (e.g.: at level 16 he has 494 mana without any items) and needs it for his skills.

I personally would go for a Point Booster and eventually a Platemail which I can use for Aghanim's Scepter and either Assault Cuirass or Shiva's Guard. Both are relatively low-cost items so Clockwerk is able to buy them mid-game. In my opinion Urn of Shadows should be added as a situational item. Clockwerk is a ganker and Urn of Shadows boosts his survivability and the mana regeneration is somewhat useful.

Thanks for the feedback!
I explained the mekanism in the item section. Is is definately not core.
And i agree with the item buildup, i do it that way too. I might add that in the future.
HueHang | February 7, 2014 6:45am
Hi Timminatorr,
thanks for your good basic guide to Clockwerk! Mekansm is in my opinion a situational item on Clockwerk. It should only bought if no one in your team gets it. Heroes like Necrophos or Phoenix are better candidates for Mekansm. Clockwerk has a low manapool (e.g.: at level 16 he has 494 mana without any items) and needs it for his skills.

I personally would go for a Point Booster and eventually a Platemail which I can use for Aghanim's Scepter and either Assault Cuirass or Shiva's Guard. Both are relatively low-cost items so Clockwerk is able to buy them mid-game. In my opinion Urn of Shadows should be added as a situational item. Clockwerk is a ganker and Urn of Shadows boosts his survivability and the mana regeneration is somewhat useful.
Timminatorr (57) | February 4, 2014 3:20pm
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

Yeah I think you might wanna add Vanguard and a Bloodstone. I will prefer a Vanguard over Mekansm cause in a way it's better. Linken's Sphere is a good item on Clockwerk and of course a situational item. It blocks a spell and give tankines. Not to mention Hood of Defiance a situational as well, later into Pipe of Insight.

Thanks for the feedback.
Vanguard just delays core items that make you perform better, and vanguard cant replace mek, but mak can be a replacement for vanguard. You dont need the regen and the damage block falls off quickly. Mekanism might be needed for your team, read the item section.

I think i will add linkens, but to be fair it is a situational item in literally EVERY hero.

But why add bloodstone? You dont need the mana regen and it doesnt actually do anything apart from the heal on death, but if you wanted that you can just buy a mekanism. And you dont have to die to activate that heal.

I didnt include hood becouse it is a component of pipe.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 4, 2014 2:54pm
Yeah I think you might wanna add Vanguard and a Bloodstone. I will prefer a Vanguard over Mekansm cause in a way it's better. Linken's Sphere is a good item on Clockwerk and of course a situational item. It blocks a spell and give tankines. Not to mention Hood of Defiance a situational as well, later into Pipe of Insight.
Timminatorr (57) | January 29, 2014 11:11am
Elbinac wrote:

There are those that call you... Tim? =D

sadly, on the internet people tend to call me timm. on different forums....

so some call me..... timm, or tim...... or timminatorr..... or careless whisper.....
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