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The Real Jugg Build

February 9, 2013 by thereal_whatnow
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Freakattaker | June 16, 2013 10:04pm
I applaud your creativity for differing away from the more standard Jugg builds, but there are several flaws here.

1. Not leveling stats at lvl's 2 and 4. This is a horrible idea because unless you buy some extra max mana or some stats of some sort which your build doesn't suggest to since you won't be able to spin + ulti / ulti + spin combo due to insufficient mana at level 6.

2. Not maxing bladefury first is a mistake in most cases. Emphasis on most since I actually like the idea of having phase will out dps your crits if you can stick to an enemy enough if they're not a phase lich or something, but that brings me to the main problem with this skill build: You're not magic immune.

If you're not magic immune often times any stun or slow can ruin all of your extra autos meant to come from phase boots and crit with your build, you may even die in the kill attempt if you're not careful. This is why I believe maxing bladefury and using it as your early damage is usually a much better choice.

3. Itemage. I'm a bit neutral here since you have some really nice things that I wish I saw more people do with this hero. Personally I think he's extremely versatile in how you can build him, but I don't believe in picking up a battlefury first as a standard item either as you mentioned. So the ring of health for pure lane sustain and then abstaining from building it up further is something I really like. Simply having more sustain already increases your farm, yet some people think "I've invested 875g, may as well as build a whole bfury." Wrong imo.

The phase pick up is pretty common and my personal preferred choice there so no complaints. Makes plenty of sense and is also the competitive staple. Shadow blade for offensive usage is very much liked. I think this hero excels quite well early on and snowballs quite well with kills as opposed to trying to out farm an enemy carry like PL or AM really.

The voidstone pick up for your build is quite strange though personally. You have 2 levels into your spin and you don't intend to use it for farming either and completely skip healing ward until level 17. Considering you'd only try to get a pick off solo with omni slash up I don't see this build as very mana intensive at all. All I see is a poor item choice out of poor habits most likely or something along those lines. Exercising proper usage of your shadow blade and abilities with this build shouldn't be that demanding on your mana pool at all. You may run out or low on mana, but you shouldn't be near empty by the time your ulti is back up which is when I imagine you'd be looking for kills again solo. If you're ganking/team fighting with your team, chances are you'll receive some arcane love to use your spin a bit more liberally or plain auto attacking as your build is highly centered around in a gank as opposed to spinning.

The deso is an item I like to go a lot of the time for mainly the reasons you stated. I think it does a great job of making this hero into a true dps powerhouse with his ulti and being okay with his ulti on cooldown if he isn't stunlocked.

The lack of an emphasis on an at least a mid game-ish or even later bkb pick up annoys me even though you did mention it. Most of the time teams will stun lock you once your ulti and spin are gone or at least kite you with some sort of slow/cc. If they don't have that logic would dictate not to pick up the item obviously, but yeah.

Aghanims is a very poor item on this hero unless you REALLY can't go toe to toe with the enemy outside of it for whatever reason. Plain dps items increase your ulti's dps while giving actual form of damage outside of your ult.

I'm neutral about the battlefury timing pick up. Normally people like it for farm, but I think Jugg has no problem farming if you have even a small mana regen item like medallion, urn, or aquila even by using spin to clear waves. Your flash farming is respectable enough this way. On the other hand it isn't as good later in the game so battlefury around this time does help you to flash farm better and cleave in your ulti or just plain autos a bit, though it's pretty situational. Having this item as core later in your build is a bit of a cop out on item choice.

Oh yeah did I mention Medallion of Courage is a great item on this hero? Especially for the way you play him. Get it after or before your shadow blade and use it on the enemy just before you ulti. It should also solve ANY mana problems you have that you intended to remedy with a void stone. Not that you have that many, if any.

4. "Dont ever use bladespin to farm creepwaves... If you cant last hit you shouldnt be playing a carry in the first place." - This statement by you carries some truth, but also carries a bad point to it. People who can't last hit shouldn't play carries, that is a fine point, but has nothing to do with the choice of using bladespin to farm creepwaves after the laning phase at around level 6-16.

Take for example your ultimate is on cd and you're not looking to get a solo kill because of that. You'd prefer to farm in this case and you'd want to get as much farm as possible. With a perseverance or ring of health + medallion of courage you can spin every other wave to get through farm much faster if you don't have enough map control/safety under your tower to be static farming or if you simply just want to farm faster if there happens to be several stacked camps in the jungle to spin as well. By farming faster I mean clearing the creep wave faster by spinning it then moving on into the jungle where your hp regen will heal you up while you're in lane and while you're in the jungle your mana regens from spinning the creep wave. Your farm will roll faster this way.
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