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8 Votes

The power of Broodmother

December 8, 2012 by FroZeniNside
Comments: 5    |    Views: 8065    |   

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Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 12, 2012 6:58am
This guide is by far the best Broodmother guide on this website, I don't understand why it's not first one in the list. +1
Griffith (2) | December 9, 2012 11:58pm
Good guide, brood is one of the few heroes who can solo the hard lane. I must agree with you on the Insatiable hunger at level 6. The one way you will be able to get a kill if you take bite (which is just dumb).

Another counter against brood is windrunner.

Screen shots an replays will improve this guide a lot, with the mention on how to deal with early wards.

Other than that good guide. (Non-brood player usually a brood counter player)
Wulfstan (77) | December 8, 2012 10:11am
You might want to add some color to the guide and maybe detail it a bit more.Some item explanations,situational stuff,WHAT to do if you've been counterpicked.

Also suggesting that you might pick up Insatiable Hunger at level 6 for early fighting and retaliating(if possible) in a gank.

Otherwise,a +1 from me,but waiting for the extra content.
pebblecamp (2) | December 8, 2012 5:48am
I play the very Chinese broodmother.

I personally go soul ring -> boots -> midas -> treads -> *sheepstick* -> manta -> BKB/Butterfly/Crit.

Swap order of sheep and manta if I'm doing really well and need a dust purge or movespeed to get out of a gank.
Stormbolt | December 8, 2012 1:10am
One of the best Brood guides I've read so far. Personally, I prefer the long lane with a jungler that can back me up if I run into trouble, but both are viable and it pretty much comes down to playstyle. I'll give the hard lane another shot next game. My only major disagreement is with BKB being a luxury, it's very nice for the survivability. I like to go Soul Ring -> Treads -> BKB -> Orchid -> Butterfly.

You might want to talk about team comps that work well with her, your teammates need to take her into account when making their picks. I've found that she works very well with junglers, particularly Enigma. He can stay in the jungle and farm when all is going well for you, his stuns can back you up when you're in trouble, and his eidelons can help if you need a quick push.

And yes, nothing is more satisfying than harassing and ganking people in your lane with spiderlings early game :) . Brood is by far my favorite hero, have about half of my wins with her.
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