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The Poison King

February 18, 2015 by Loveta
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Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Viper

Hero Skills

Predator (Innate)

Poison Attack

1 3 5 7


2 8 9 10

Corrosive Skin

4 12 13 14

Viper Strike

6 11 16


15 17 18

The Poison King

February 18, 2015

Viper, the Netherdrake.

Viper is a great 1v1 killer. His Poison attack works wonders on fleeing (and attacking) enemies. His corrosive skin makes him all the more hard to kill, the Nethertoxin in his attacks can give that extra damage boost that means a kill, and finally, the Viper Strike can stop enemies in their tracks. Literally, the movement and attack slow means its almost impossible to escape or kill him.

Early Game.

Viper is an agility hero, so a wraith band and tango at the beginning is perfect. Last hits (as always) is very important. You will want to take mid, but you can still manage on one of the sides too. Getting hot-hits on enemy heroes with poison attack is an excellent way to bring their health down fast. You can use it on creeps too if you are having trouble last-hitting.

You do not need your ultimate to get an early kill, especially if you have the boots of speed and use your poison attack right. You can also escape ganks thanks to corrosive skin.

Later On.

By now, you should have the Ring of Aquila, boots and Yasha if you played well. Manta style can be expensive to save up for, and unless you're feeling extra confident, I'd recommend you go for Talisman of Evasion first for survivability. Bear in mind that your illusions from Manta will have the corrosive skin, so even if the enemy picks them off, poison damage is still being done.
Working with your team is important at this stage. In team fights your ultimate will slow a hero's attack so much, it's like they aren't even attacking. You are also a good solo-killer. Map awareness is essential in all games. If you see an enemy is alone, get him!

Late Game Items

Mjollnir for Viper? Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! with Mjollnir, Viper can clear creep waves almost instantly, especially with high attack speed (which you should have from Butterfly and Manta) You can damage all five enemy heroes with Mjollnir. It can make a big difference in a team fight.

Heart of Trasque will give you extra Tankiness in battle, and will save you a trip to your fountain.

Boots of travel give a very high boost to movement speed and let you tele across the map. You would have to sacrifice power treads to get this, and you may not be able to afford it. I recommend buying this if you have 2,000 spare gold.

Black King Bar is great on any hero. Spell Immunity, who doesn't like that?

Daedalus is a major damage boost, and it has a cit chance.

Assault Cuirass gives a huge armour and attack speed boost. It also lowers the armour and attacks speed of enemies around you. Viper loves attack speed.

Finally, the Abyssal Blade. With a massive +100 damage and stun, I'd take this over Divine Rapier any day.

Final Stage.

Once your inventory is full of items, you are unstoppable. With an inv like this, you can take on 3 heroes alone. Naturally, you will want to push and take parts in teamfights. You will be able to 2-shot squishy intelligence and support heroes. It won't be long before the enemy ancient is in ruins.

Please comment with tips/advice. Thanks!

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