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The Phantom Strikes-A guide to Phantom Assassin

October 29, 2014 by IceDunk123
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AndreiDg | October 31, 2014 1:12am
*yawn* same basic builds , same basic item choices .I would suggest instead of getting a Battle Fury, get a Maelstorm.Although it doesn't give you a cleave it still gives you some impact in fights(more attack speed = more Coup de Grace). Where is the Black King Bar, you don't have much hp and burst heroes like Lina will instakill you and disablers like Shadow Shaman will make you a sitting duck (or frog or chicken).
eeon (6) | October 31, 2014 12:18am
aren't you tired of the same old Battle Fury Helm of the Dominator core? Why would you bother to make another guide with the same items as all the ones before. Try something new like Drum of Endurance Vladmir's Offering Desolator just for fun.

Your skill build is messed up, you need one early point in Blur for survivability and you should always get your ulti at 6, even though you do not have that much damage at that point. That s already been said, but I m at work and I m bored.
ashwinthegrim (7) | October 30, 2014 8:02am
I don't like the guide, no offense to you..

Here is my input:

1. Phantom Assassin is one of those carries that comes online really, really early. Delaying your effectiveness by farming a Battle Fury which is just another farming item seems a really bad idea.

A better option would be go rush Phase Boots + Drum of Endurance which will allow you to be extremely effective in early/mid game fights.

2. I don't agree with your skill build. I would take an early value point in Blur at level 2 or 4. At level 6, getting Coup de Grace is almost a must, since you can pretty much 2 shot supports if you get two procs of your crit.

My skill build would be: Q-W-Q-E-Q-R-Q-W-W-W-R-E-E-E-S-R

3. Depending on the game, my item build would be Phase Boots --> Drum of Endurance --> Skull Basher or Black King Bar (the order of basher/bkb depends on how fast you get your farm, and how much lockdown the enemy team has) --> Black King Bar or Skull Basher --> Abyssal Blade --> Satanic.

4. I wouldn't advice getting a Divine Rapier on a Phantom Assassin unless you're definitely losing the game. Your enemy carry would have a Monkey King Bar by the time you have a Divine Rapier, and there is a decent chance that you'll lose the Divine Rapier unless your supports are extremely good at protecting you/locking down the enemy carry.
Moodkill (9) | October 30, 2014 7:18am
You need to add a wider variety of items in this guide, there is more to just battlefury with PA. Maybe add a situational Hand of Midas or a Satanic since you already have HOTD.
Timminatorr (57) | October 30, 2014 6:10am
i dont like the Battle Fury as a core item, it has a place as a situational item, but she is such a good early fighter that you often waste her potential with the item.
if you stronger lategame stay with midas so you get a fast lvl 16.

also i strongly disagree with your skillbuild, the ult at 6 is still good and you dalay Blur for far too long.
i even often level Blur over Phantom Strike, if you have good positioning so they wont target their nukes at you then you are almost invincible with that rediculous evasion.

also BKB is core 99% of the games. plz get it.....
MrLocket (16) | October 30, 2014 3:22am
I don't agreed that delay Coup de Grace is acceptable, yes it do little damage like 150 but it can hurt a lot in early game where squishy heroes will only have 600~800 hp, and if you spam Stifling Dagger, when the crits proc it will deal 225 pure damage, which is almost same as 300 nuke for only 15 mana.

You already have 50% evasion, why go for another 30% evasion for 6000 golds which can easily countered by Monkey King Bar?

Black King Bar should be core since Phantom Assassin is very vulnerable to nukes and disables.
Unscathed (47) | October 30, 2014 2:44am
Blur stacks with Butterfly

I dont like your copypasta of spells. You should add nyour own notes on the usage, when to use, etc.
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