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13 Votes

The Pancake Prophet

September 14, 2012 by Draconie
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Numeta (27) | September 11, 2012 1:51pm
Rof of atos is really good, so is Ghost scepter & skadi
bluedevil99 (1) | September 11, 2012 1:50pm
In Draconie's defense, Shadow Blade is listed as a situational item, and for full disclosure, I should say I also have a DP guide on this site.

In low level games, few players carry detection items and heroes like Riki, Bounty Hunter, and Clinkz are godly. On DP, Shadow Blade does give you 9 seconds of invis in teamfights, but keep in mind your ulti lasts 30. It is also a decent escape mechanism for split pushes, but there are other options in both these areas that are much more useful overall and either cheaper (force staff) or harder to counter (BKB and TP scroll/BoTs). Particularly if you have stealthers or someone else on your team building Shadow Blade (e.g., Kunkka, Drow, Sniper, Viper) I would avoid this item. Keep in mind that DP's move speed bonus from Witchcraft does give us some degree of escapability, particularly with Phase Boots or Boots of Travel.

Bloodstone is indeed an expensive item, and I dislike it on most heroes except as a late game luxury. DP can afford to build this early on largely because the *components* benefit her so much. For example, if you're doing well in lane, early Arcane Boots are powerful, and a Point Booster is a great next item. From there, we're 1.1k from a Soul Booster (we disassemble our Arcanes), which for DP is nearly as good as a full Bloodstone.

Phase Boots are solid on DP, and I get them mostly if I'm solo mid and already have a bottle for early mana regen. Remember, though, that Arcane Boots are great for your *entire team* and can facilitate those early T1 and T2 pushes which help get your (and everyone else's!) core items up that much faster.

Eul's into early Heart is a powerful build- you'll even see some pros use it. Unless you're way ahead, though, you'll want to pick up the Vitality Booster before finishing Eul's. Otherwise, unless you're *way* ahead, Death Prophet will still be extremely fragile at points during the 12-20 minute mark when she should be dominating teamfights.

Finally I'd argue Hood and Pipe are *fantastic* situational items on DP. When that ulti goes off, DP has a bullseye on her--against spell damage heavy lineups, the argument you use for plate mail applies even MORE so in favor of Hood, and Pipe is just a fantastic item for your whole team.
dLight | August 7, 2012 9:23pm
Death Prophet should be built as a tank, so she can be useful in team fight. I can understand that shadow blade is probably a good choice because EXORCISM, but while in team fight, you don't take damage from the opposite team, your carry die. It costs too much gold as a Death Prophet. I always get a shiva's after bloodstone ensure that the enemy can't run away because of it's active. By the way, Death Prophet should be so tanky in late game, she should be doing well.
Draconie (1) | August 7, 2012 9:25am
The shadow blade is more of an optional item based on the circumstances. The main build is based on getting the platemail with the euls for the same price as a bloodstone. I found that in my games +10 armor is better than 500 health. Then if you can follow it up with a heart you just become a crazy tank. The shadow blade is mainly for doing solo lane pushes if you found yourself not doing well in teamfights, which happens to dp in the late game.
Hades4u (296) | August 7, 2012 3:50am
Draconie wrote:

I just cant stand bloodstone, since it just costs way to much for what you get. I use shadow blade, because you can leave exorcism active while you have shadow blade so that you can just murder the other team. If they have stealth detection then they are just wasting gold on that. I use shadow blade not just for the initiation, but rather to do high risk heavy pushes.

While you are invisible, you know the enemy team can use Dust of Appearance or Gem of True Sight right? Or other abilities to see you.

So it's better to save up all that gold you spend on Shadow blade (3300 I believe) and get a Bloodstone that gives you a lot of regeneration, a lot of HP and Mana and spawns you faster, a lot of stacks is like a free buyback.
jaslam (21) | August 7, 2012 2:58am
hmm.. very low/mid skill level train of thought here. I understand why a shadow blade is a great item, but then why don't the pro's build it on prophet? It is an old item, nothing new which makes it any better or worse? this is pub item, no-one get's shadow blades anymore :P
Why don't they? because look at prophets core items, she is built as a tank. You can't tank skills, attacks, dmg in general when your invis. and if your invis, then someone else is going to be on the receiving end of this damage - who isn't a tank, and they will die.
Dota is a team fight game, know your role and commit to it - if you die, but your team win, that's all that matters. prophet is a tank. initiate, take the damage, make sure your team live, clean up and push - this is also why her ulti's heal her, because the chances are she is near death towards the end of the clash.
know your role/place within a team synergy and what is needed of you..
This is a good build for new/pub players but I wouldn't suggest it on a mid level player looking to take prophet to better skill levels..
Sefi (3) | August 7, 2012 12:15am
I think a Shadow Blade on Death Prophet is very innovative; I've personally never heard of it before but can just imagine reaping the benefits. A decent team will be able to figure out where you are just based on your ghosts and they can freely pop dust, but it makes it near impossible for the enemy to prevent you from pushing a tower if they don't have it, and if they aren't paying attention you could push a lane from your base to theirs without them even seeing you.

I prefer a Scythe of Vyse over Eul's on DP because the critter will still get hit by ghosts whereas a cycloned target won't, but it all depends on how much farm you can get.

I also like taking a point in the Silence rather than the fifth point in Locust Swarm because early game Death Prophet isn't quite as tanky as she will be late game, and it's especially helpful if I'm in mid against a Lion who wants to pop his ******ed Finger of Death on me.
But that's basic playstyle difference and to each their own.

But I REALLY like the Shadow Blade idea and will have to try it sometime.
Peebze (2) | August 6, 2012 6:27pm
PotM_Plz wrote:

Please take that shadow blade, and throw it as far as you possibly can. If you really want some escape or initiarion. Get a force staff.

You really underestimate the use of a Shadow Blade on Prophet. If your team has no other stealth units and the enemy does not buy any stealth detection because of this, you can wreck a team by popping it and letting your ghosts burn the enemy down. It may not be the most /optimal/ item for Prophet, but I'd take it over a force staff in most situations.
Svenphantom (1) | August 6, 2012 6:00pm
I concur, the Shadow blade is better than the Force Staff in the case of Death Prophet with the fact that you can leave Exorcism while their team is helpless but to run away, which her massive movement will just be futile.
mrwiliker | August 6, 2012 5:58pm
wow nice that makes alot of sence conedering i dont know **** about dp soo yah
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