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34 Votes

The Paladin

March 30, 2012 by F1R37YNX
Comments: 24    |    Views: 118370    |   

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crank1199 (1) | July 17, 2013 8:56am
Havent tested this guide yet but the items look really awesome
Captain Already | January 10, 2013 4:18am
Nice guide, this is my saved build for omni!

Rush soul ring!

Thanks +1
StevenLK (10) | November 2, 2012 6:18pm
If you are going to play Omni like this, I would recommend a Soul Ring asap instead of a Basillius. You really should max Purification first or at least get 3 points in it, then max Degen. Being able to spam that heal/nuke can really help and getting Basillius just doesnt give you enough mana to use your it like that. Still, sounds okay, I will try it.
Lolly Poopdeck | November 2, 2012 5:31pm
I have to admit I had my doubts about this build, but after actually trying it out I dominated. No idea why this doesn't have more upvotes.
Zantastic | October 13, 2012 6:22pm
I appreciate a more active rather than passive Omni build, there are certainly cases where you are the 2nd support and you might build more semi-carry with support abilities. 2 things to think about based on this guide though:

1. Vlads' and AC's armor auras don't stack. I would probably opt for Vlads for cost reasons, and only if no one else was going to pick one up. Although a lot of folks don't think about it, Vlads truly can be considered a support item when not purchased specifically for yourself. I do like the idea of AC plus basher though, interesting to consider.

2. Skip poor man's shield, the added cost over a standard stout shield does not justify itself for Omni, the Agi is hard to justify. There are cases where a vanguard would be good, but if you are trying for a high armor Omni, the shield should probably be sold once you hit 12-15 extra armor anyways, the diminishing returns you get from it as you level up are pretty noticeable. (eg- early game 20 damage off of 100 = 80 minus 10% from armor is 72, meaning the shield was worth over 2/3 of your damage reduction. On the other hand late game 20 damage off of 320 = 300 minus 40% from armor is 180, meaning the shield is less than 1/6 as effective as your armor reduction) If you are going for an early chaser you could spend the money from upgrading the poor mans shield on an orb of venom instead for an additional 12% slow. This would be very noticeable around level 4 and level 7 especially if you already have base boots as well.

Also: Consider getting drums for the added movement speed (for chasing) and additional teamfight support, your other big option in this case is Sange and Yasha, but the expense and lack of team synergy on this item make it viable only if you are doing no supporting. And finally don't count the lowly Mekanism out even for a semi-carry role, the heal works through repel and helps your teamfight ability as well, plus 5 to all stats and 5 armor are great for Omni.

Just my thoughts. Enjoy Omni, he's one of my favorites!
generalstoor | June 24, 2012 5:30pm
Okay, I've had enough of guides like this. I'm downvoting it because you're building Omniknight like a semi-carry. You could pick someone like Chaos Knight to fill the role of semi-carry appropriately. If Omniknight is getting farm, it is because his team expects a fast Mek/disable item. Leave the carrying to heroes with abilities that scale in some way. Tell me how a heal nuke, magic immunity, slow aura, and immunity to physical attacks for your team all add up to Omniknight being a carry? These abilities spell out support in every way, so please build him like one.
Mrs Warboys (10) | June 5, 2012 10:15am
I can see how this build works in theory but there is no explanation or strategy. It's just not a guide so I can't recommend it. Please finish it and maybe I'll upvote
F1R37YNX | April 22, 2012 7:48pm
Yea sorry it looks like I over wrote the section that had the break down of the abilities. The reason is for chasing and getting kills early. Omni,s aoe slow is great for supporting your team early, and your magic protection early isnt needed because its a double edge sword when you need to heal. Also with the heal upgrade it to early and you wont have enough mana to spam it.
Odelay321 | April 12, 2012 12:10am
I enjoyed this build of omni gave you a nice upvote. One question though, what is your logic in leveling up degen before purification? just for chasing?
F1R37YNX | April 6, 2012 6:24pm
Just puting it out there I did allot of method testing and work on this build before I posted it. So to the random guy that gave me the down vote without commenting, at least have the balls to say why and not just be a prick and give me a down vote without trying the build or just being a hatter. That is all.
F1R37YNX | April 1, 2012 11:01am
Thanks mike! I watched the replay of that match and wow that team we were against was realy realy good. But they were no match for our tri support heals and dps. If you get the chance you should watch that replay on dota really good stuff.
MikeMcSomething | April 1, 2012 5:25am
I have seen this in action - it worked really well!
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