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11 Votes

The ONLY good Invoker build.

April 3, 2013 by best guides
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R_a_y | July 9, 2013 7:39am
Guide looks awful on paper, but actually pretty good. Like mention of Refreshers and Treads, most kids go Phase, Eul's and instagib people thinking they're 1337
xCO2 (72) | April 3, 2013 3:25pm
best guides wrote:


assuming you're actually good at invoker it can change late game teamfights around with ease

double emp? nice mana... oh wait.
double meteor? insane damage
double blast? big disable.

although he pretty much does it the wrong way around (emp and tornado should be invoked instead) you can do this, but double (obviously only one tornado) which results in 4k damage on EVERYONE caught in it. if you manage to catch 3+ heroes (or just the carries) this can win you the teamfight easily

Maybe I should've taken this guide seriously so people don't ask stupid questions about one of the best late game items for invoker

Basically what you do with this combo is

bkb > tornado > invoke meteor immediately > emp > meteor > blast > orb > meteor > blast > emp >ice wall > any other spells needed

Not to mention Invoker already packs quite a hard autoattack for a caster, and they'll definitely feel the +40.
best guides (1) | April 3, 2013 3:05pm
Sexyperson99 wrote:

Refresher Orb costs way too much money to not have a good purpose with. I don't really see the purpose of it.


assuming you're actually good at invoker it can change late game teamfights around with ease

double emp? nice mana... oh wait.
double meteor? insane damage
double blast? big disable.

although he pretty much does it the wrong way around (emp and tornado should be invoked instead) you can do this, but double (obviously only one tornado) which results in 4k damage on EVERYONE caught in it. if you manage to catch 3+ heroes (or just the carries) this can win you the teamfight easily

Maybe I should've taken this guide seriously so people don't ask stupid questions about one of the best late game items for invoker

Basically what you do with this combo is

bkb > tornado > invoke meteor immediately > emp > meteor > blast > orb > meteor > blast > emp >ice wall > any other spells needed
Sexyperson99 | April 3, 2013 2:34pm
Refresher Orb costs way too much money to not have a good purpose with. I don't really see the purpose of it.
best guides (1) | April 3, 2013 12:09pm
Yoda wrote:

The only person who got refresher on invoker was Dendi, I have never seen anyone else use it as memorizing the spells isn't so easy.

cook, grimorum and others

cook had a good video but it's removed for some reason cook does lots of the comboes in this match
Yoda (9) | April 3, 2013 12:01pm
The only person who got refresher on invoker was Dendi, I have never seen anyone else use it as memorizing the spells isn't so easy.
best guides (1) | April 3, 2013 9:00am
Dwemer wrote:

What's refresher orb for?

h55d (2) | April 3, 2013 8:57am
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 3, 2013 8:56am

Also, I disagree with the fact that this is the "ONLY" good Invoker build: I find Quas- Wex more efficient for this meta full of mana-dependent Heroes and very teamfight oriented, but I don't want to change my discourse so I'll begin to talk about your Quas- Exort build.

About the Phase Boots, I love them but I never build them on a QW Invoker as, as you said, you don't need the attack damage increase. I usually pick the Arcane Boots though: I've seen Dendi using them the last time he played Invoker too, I think they're a valid alternative to the Tranquil Boots.

Plus, I like the fact that someone finally put a Hand of Midas for this Hero (like Mousesports did in this pretty recent match), the experience advantage is really helpful!
Yoda (9) | April 3, 2013 8:34am
Dwemer (1) | April 3, 2013 8:30am
What's refresher orb for?
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