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The Ogre Magi - All around

July 7, 2014 by TAAD
Comments: 2    |    Views: 5188    |   


The ordinary ogre is the creature for whom the phrase 'As dumb as a bag of rock hammers' was coined. In his natural state, an ogre is supremely incapable of doing or deciding anything. Clothed in dirt, he sometimes finds himself accidentally draped in animal skins after eating lanekill. Not an especially social creature, he is most often found affectionately consorting with the boulders or tree-stumps he has mistaken for kin (a factor that may explain the ogre's low rate of reproduction). However, once every generation or so, the ogre race is blessed with the birth of a two-headed Ogre Magi, who is immediately given the traditional name of Aggron Stonebreak, the name of the first and perhaps only wise ogre in their line's history. With two heads, Ogre Magi finds it possible to function at a level most other creatures manage with one. And while the Ogre Magi will win no debates (even with itself), it is graced with a divine quality known as Dumb Luck--a propensity for serendipitous strokes of fortune which have allowed the ogre race to flourish in spite of enemies, harsh weather, and an inability to feed itself. It's as if the Goddess of Luck, filled with pity for the sadly inept species, has taken Ogre Magi under her wing. And who could blame her? Poor things.


Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target.

Drenches a target in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is in immense pain, taking damage and moving more slowly.

Incites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed.

Unrefined Fireblast
Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target.

Enables the Ogre Magi to rapidly cast his spells, giving them greater potency. Gives a chance to cast a spell multiple times in one cast. Increases Fireblast's mana cost and decreases its cooldown, adds an area of effect to Ignite and reduces Bloodlust's cooldown and gives it a chance to cast on random allies around Ogre Magi. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.


17 + 2.4014 + 1.5523 + 3.2041 - 472956.96

Pros and Cons

-Stun and Slow combo makes your enemy lanes cry
-a little tanky
-gives buff to allies
-good ganker
-DoT kills enemies if the carry cant reach the target

-a little low mana pool
-SS is a little bit unreliable

Best Friends and Worst Enemies

Best Friends:Slowers
with these guys, at the very start of the game, you can own the lane even if with level 1 stun only...
just leave them be and assist stun when neededStunners
your enemies will be sorry for having the same lane with you
imagine, stun-hit-stun-hit combo...
its like having unmobile enemy dummyFast hitters
kill your enemies within the stun duration!!!

Worst Enemies
actually i see silence, slows, disables and mana drain are not such a big problem, but when the enemies going to gangrape you, you really need mana to escape

this is not the total list... there are other BFs and WEs in the game...

Item Build

Early game:
2x2x3xoroptional:your team might not have any support, so give them a favor and buy them a crow

this might be naive for others, but trust me... your a melee, having 8 charges of tango is not stupidity... just imagine havingor, your hp is going to drain like crazy..
then you can choose from 2xor... if the enemies are quite skillers early game, then go for stick, if there are more hitters, then choose branches

Mid Game:
SUPPORT:you are expected to do more than this, like goingthen
when you decided that im not going to be a martyr, then go for theseyou may still needfor personal use

Late Game:
SUPPORT/hey, dont be so generous and ended up not giving a little bit of git for yourself...
a bloodstone ensures unlimited mana pool
Mekansm and Pipe - dont even ask!
Travel - you dont know when you need to TP to an ally to immediately aid him/her... and you dont know when you should need MS and an instant TP home when all hell broke loose
Force Staff - one's escape companion (except when there is BS)

Blood Stone - Mana + Hp + Regen ... nuff said
Cuirass or Heart - you wanna be tank, you need a heck of an armor or an extra heart if you know what im saying! XD
Shivas Guard - Mana + Armor + Slow... chasing enemy would be a lot easier when Ignite is in Cool Down
Travel Boots - you want to surprise pushing enemies as a killer right? how about let them think your at the bot lane then you instantly TP-ed up to stop the Sniper that is pushing
Dagon - Stun-Dagon-Ignite then wait till your enemy drop dead, or when not, use force staff and beat the **** out of him
Force Staff - good for follow up attacks and chasing... it is also good for escaping short distances (like you need it when your a heavy tank)

Luxurya little pee-ka-boo wont hurtanother stun while you have... Triple STUNNNNNN!!!if your a little fast, you can rely ethereal to finish off another tank with a comboattack them when they least expect to!be like I-dont-care!use your tank ability to the fullest!not that needed, but if you want to make your opponents feel bad about themselves then gothis is the ultimate mental harrasment to your opponent.. see how long are they spam your tank illusion!!

Skill build

It support and tank build dont differ that much
TANK/KILLERthen finish the build by alternating until you only need to finish the bonus stat and acquiring the SS as soon as possible
SUPPORTthen finish the build by alternating until you only need to finish the bonus stat and acquiring the SS as soon as possible


-Dont think that you will get multipliers... always be cautious!
-when you acquire lvl 4 ignite, in a creep wave, hit all creeps once then use Ignite.. in that way, you can ensure majority of the creep kill xp and gold will be yours...
-use your towers... when the enemy gets a little greedy, and charges to you at your tower, stun and make him cry!
-when you have a viper or venomancer with DPS poison per auto-attack, just stun and let the poison guys do their thing to slow the enemy
-use your items efficiently. dont just use your force staff to your self.. you can use it to push your enemy towards your tower then go to tip#3!
-spam your IGNITE! Ignite is a DPS type... so dagger users are screwed!
-when your enemy in the lane is ranged, use the 1st-2nd combo, use the stun to get yourself near to your enemy then 2nd skill, and then free hit until he/she dies
-when the enemy is melee, use 2nd-1st-2nd... slow then free hit your enemy, when the DPS is done use your stun then 2nd skill again!


using Ogre as an Mid-laner isnt a bad idea, it will give the enemy a shock and starts to lower their guard because of the "NOOB-NESS" having ogre at mid... then make them repent by surprising them with your combos..

Using ogre in the hard lane is a bit hard because the xp is a little bit scarce because your not so tanky to go charge then last hit a creep or two.. you will end up tower hugging

using ogre in the easy lane is as easy as it sounds, you have the distance before their tower! before the can even go back, use combo to them and go free hit

ganking using ogre is a heck of a problem to the enemy. surprise stun out of nowhere, then combo here and there and boom...

tri-lane using ogre isnt that much of help before lvl 6. Ogre can only help stunning potential heavy killer earn gold.

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