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Why is vlads under do not get this ****? it's much better than HoTD on PL.
If you go aquila brown boots then disassemble the asquila and turn into vlads then upgrade your boots into BoTs and get a yasha after it's probably the most farm efficient build in the game, another option would be to go aquila brown boots into drums if you want to fight early, overall I think you would only get Power Treads on PL if you are struggling or playing PL mid for some odd reason, just saying.
He didn't get vlads because it is his preference, and he prefers to build a HotD because he wants to get a satanic eventually, therefore a HotD would make more sense. Also, HotD allows you to get a free creep which can help you in fights, or help you stack the jungle so that you maximise your farm.
Personally i do prefer vlads because it saves me a slot that i would otherwise use for RoA-HotD, and the lifesteal it provides is more than enough for what i tend to do with
What i generally build on him used to be power threads ->
Nowadays i tend to go more for aggressif's build, which is
If you go aquila brown boots then disassemble the asquila and turn into vlads then upgrade your boots into BoTs and get a yasha after it's probably the most farm efficient build in the game, another option would be to go aquila brown boots into drums if you want to fight early, overall I think you would only get Power Treads on PL if you are struggling or playing PL mid for some odd reason, just saying.
I see your point when you say that i am wasting my RoB, but you have to understand that by making a Vladimir's , I am furthermore wasting that item itself in the sense that i am going to need a
How do you fix this squishiness early-mid game ? Do you rely only on your illusions ?
I have to disagree with vladimir's offering as a core item now that
I do agree that phantom lancer is insanely powerful but one must remember that with the massive nerfs to rat dota, heroes like LD, NP and PL have become relics of a different time :c.Still, he is very much viable as a man-fight carry and can carry the game very convincingly :D
However I really think that Vlad's should be a core item (lifesteal increases efficiently your survivability + mana regen + good after your diffusal, since you can dissassemble your ring of aquila), even if the effects don't work with your illusions. I didn't consider Scythe, because its quite costly and you don't need this much mana/regen, but the active can be quite useful indeed.
I don't understand why PL is underrated. Even some of the cons people give him are not so true : AoE damage are not so bad since you can make 3 illu right after the AoE and then 9 others with the 50% chance. He is indeed quite squishy but people are often affraid when 5 PL come to them with phantom rush, they don't try to fight (I remember a game against doom when I was 20 hp but still won a 1v1 with doppleganger, diffu and vlad). Doppleganger is a not-good-but-still-correct escape mecanism and a great skill to initiate. The only great cons is his mana pool, which is indeed very poor (but ring of aquila fix it a little early game).
Sry for all this text and for the mistakes, english is not my native language ^^'
Wait no i guess he refers to this other guide:
The name is cancer....cancer lancer so i guess that'S pretty much the reason for the name
Anyways good guide
Some questions...could Kotl be considered a soft counter for you not because of his blinding light ?
And CM?
I mean you can both violate em but not if you are in the midst of a fight and they just use their ultimates and laugh about you pathetic tries to beat their carry
unfortunately, kotl cant do anything against KoTL because the blind can be purged and the nuke can be juked :/
Cm, cant do anything other than the AoE thingy because of her lack of AoE skills and general jukeablility.
Edit: feel free to ask me questions anytime :D (not now, its 12 in the morning. i gotta sleep