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17 Votes

The mystic dominator. Extreme early game pressure.

January 22, 2017 by Mystikal
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ChiChi (47) | January 16, 2017 1:39am
Actually Helm of the Dominator has been built in every single core of 7.00 (from Juggernaut to even stuff like Vengeful Spirit core), and like Mystical here says, it is considered the OP item of the meta.

The issue is: is this a pushing meta? Not on the traditional sense. There are no summon's high pushes being played at higher levels, and there can be dozens of reasons for that, including the fact that they are countered by other heroes that are way too good right now (I also heard some complaints about jungling, supposedly harder right now with a real impact on jungling heroes that don't like to roam as early?).

Enigma is one of those heroes that relies on an early push with his team and an early Mekansm. So yea, delaying that in favor of the HotD, like Hamster said, will make you loose your timings and be useless to the team in a more impactful way. Except if you don't care about your team and you don't get punished for that, which mostly happens in this tier so that would explain it lol

But seriously, nice guide Mystikal, maybe adapting the play style to suit the HotD can work, sounds interesting and makes sense. However, "Pros aren't doing it so people don't copy it" it's just a very silly excuse that disregards the fact that pros do know what is best and not in the meta more than any pub player (they have the knowledge, the experience, the team, the competence), and also that even pub players at higher levels know how to counter and explore the heroes to their full potential better, so something that works for you doesn't necessarily work for everyone and not certainly on higher level games.

Sooo I would say the downvotes on this guide come probably from the exaggerated attitude of its author, a little less "I'm the best cookie in the package" and I'm sure people would see through the qualities of the guide, just an advice :)
Mystikal | January 16, 2017 7:40am
Ill buy hotd before mek anytime for many reasons 1- Mek is too mana hungry for your soul ring alone. 2 - Mek is only good for its active which is only good if you get caught by ganks 2-mek is a terrible pushing item with the passive alone, usually creeps take damage 1 by 1 so the AoE heal is wasted, and if they take played based AoE damage healing them is useless since they already stopped attacking the tower 3 - Hotd has much better pushing power with its passive.

I dont know if you realize that mek is more of a fighting item for 5v5 and in 50% of pub games your team will not even buy a mek so I dont see how it is core on enigma, you just adapt your plays so you dont need a burst of heal.

Also I am not claiming that my strat is the new meta, but more of a counter to what 90% of the dota community (1-4k) currently do. A more probable reason why people arent doing this are 1- It requires micro 2- most players dont like commiting or are insecure about pushing early

Everything you heard on jungling being bad is false assumptions by people who never tried jungling in 7.00. There are bounty runes that make up for the neutral spawn times and you still can get items in a decent timing (At best i get soulring + HotD at 5:45 and lvl 6 at 4:50)
Hamstertamer (89) | January 16, 2017 12:23am
Agree with Dimony, helm Enigma is a pretty interesting idea and I think the downvotes on this guide are completely unjustified.
It's true that helm is now an item for zoo pushers and no longer an item for carries, so it makes perfect sense that people build it on Enigma now. Gives attack speed and regen to summons, allows to get an alpha wolf to push harder, etc.
I thought about doing a similar build on Nature's Prophet where you'd go helm into necrobook and pushed with the team.

The issue with doing that build on Enigma is that you delay your Blink Dagger a LOT though. And it has an awkward timing with Mekansm since mek is really an item that should be rushed.
IMO the best item order would be helm -> mek -> blink/BKB
I think there's absolutely no place for Guardian Greaves in that build. Enigmas without blink/BKB after the 35 minute mark who can't land a single black hole are up there with Techies pickers as my most hated teammates in this game :)
Mystikal | January 16, 2017 7:32am
Ok I will re-explain why blink dagger can legit be delayed/not rushed : the 7.00 respawn times. You will commit 3 minutes 20 s CD ult to get a kill that will respawn seconds after dying not worth imo and if you rush blink you will most likely lack pushing power to make these kill counts. And I think blink is better bought as a defensive items ( for when the enemy commits to a push) since its much harder to use when the enemy has a defensive advantage. By pushing hard you force the enemy to initiate on you, therefore dont need blink but Survival/EHP items instead. I also consider greaves to be legit against physical damage lineups since the passive boost under 20% HP SAVES LIVES and is underrated. BKB is NOT always needed as the enemy does not always have long range stuns. And yes helm -> mek -> blink/bkb or helm -> blink -> mek are the prefered builds for competitive games.
Dimonychan (43) | January 15, 2017 10:28am
Seems more legit than 95% of stuff posted here. Care to share your games with this strat and thoughts about why nobody else does this yet?
Mystikal | January 15, 2017 10:51am i have 61% winrate with enigma and 73% with beastmaster for this strat. And the reason is simple, the pros arent doing it, therefore not considered meta.

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Shadmanfan | January 15, 2017 5:24am
Copy cat
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