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The Most Upsetting Weaver

June 25, 2013 by Upset_Chap
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Build 1
Build 2

lotsa attacks

DotA2 Hero: Weaver

Hero Skills

Rewoven (Innate)

The Swarm



1 3 5 7

Geminate Attack

2 8 12 13

Time Lapse

6 11 16


9 10 14 15 17 18

The Most Upsetting Weaver

June 25, 2013


So, I saw some guides to weaver on here and none of them skilled stats until level 15. I think this is a mistake. Why? A beetle at any level dies in four hits so it's unlikely they will last beyond the eight seconds that you get from level one.

Skill Build

Max geminate first or stats? Simply comes down to whether you want to get the extra attacks or hit harder, do you have a team with good stuns / disables that will allow you to get many geminate attacks in or are the extra stats required? Are you facing a lane opponent that is allowing you to harras often and make full use of the lower geminate cooldown?


Did you random? Wraith band, branches, salve and clarity. If you're lucky enough to get a 1v1 lane check your opponents items - did they bring a salve of their own to the lane? If not, trade hits and make them lose a lot of HP. Shukuchi > salve and you probably just won your lane. Otherwise you play the lane normally, weaver puts out a tremendous amount of harras and you should use it wisely. The clarity is there to allow you to use shukuchi more than you normally would.

If you have normal starting gold use the alternative build, swap the ring out for slippers if you're going mid for the extra damage. Get your basil ring (wraith if mid) up asap and follow it up into an aquila, the mana regen is important. If you need more regen items buy them after the initial salve usage or swap out the clarity for some tangos. If you have mid lane a bottle is a good investment as grabbing runes with shukuchi is quick and easy.

Boots are not always needed on weaver, this is entirely down to personal preference but the ability to move at hasted speed every six seconds means that you don't need them as much as you might think. A quick medallion may well win you the lane, especially if you're 1v1.

As for the other items I'm not going to go into any depth, what items to build is your own choice / preference and all builds are situational. Look at the enemy lineup, do they have skills that necessitate a linkens? Do you have the immense early farm for a timely radiance? Or do you want go balls deep / full ****** and build a damage item first? One last thing, don't underestimate the lifesteal a Helm of the Dominator will give if you go with a chance based orb attack.

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