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79 Votes

The Modern Siren (ANTI alt-tab)

January 22, 2014 by Sp12
Comments: 25    |    Views: 382822    |   

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[-] | June 18, 2015 10:20pm
nice guide +1

and I will try this guide
Frostbite07 | March 14, 2014 3:54pm
Love the guide.. Played well with the support build. I really want to play Naga as a hard carry but I'm having a hard time with the carry builds that you have here.. Sp12 do you think a rush Manta + Eye of Skadi build would work with Naga?.. That build really works well with Spectre since I always played her with the help of your Spec guide.. I'm just wondering if it would work well with Naga too cause rush Radiance or a Diffusal Blade build is kinda hard to build for me..
Sp12 (25) | November 24, 2013 5:52pm
I just finished updating all of my guides -- let me know if you catch a mistake or something that's not accurate.
Sp12 (25) | July 20, 2013 7:25am
Pretty much 90% of the TI2 games where she got through have her rushing Linken's -- and that's West and East teams. It's called Chinese because they came up with it first. It's still a build but not as common as radiance rush, and arguably not as good since her cast time on song is so long you can't get assured teamfight initiation from a Linken's siren anymore.
Nihilus Nix Naught | July 19, 2013 6:55pm
To don't think my last comment posted because I don't see it. Can you post a link with proof of the Chinese Linken's build?
I'm in an argument and need to give prof that that is a thing.
Nihilus Nix Naught | July 19, 2013 3:07pm
Can you provide a link to footage or other proof that Chinese teams go for the Linken's build. I'm in an argument with someone about it and he requested proof. Thanks.
MattR11 | July 5, 2013 12:11am
Great guide deep detailing this will really help me learn Naga Siren
Sp12 (25) | June 1, 2013 7:07am
I actually hate vanguard.

Vanguard is actually a pretty ****py item. If preferred you can easily make your stout shield into a poor man's shield, save the RoH for a Linkens (or go tranquils or even just keep it a casual RoH), and the vitality booster for your eventual heart. Alternatively, you can grab armlet over vanguard, with the helm of iron will as your first piece.

I like arcanes on support naga but then you don't have regen to jungle at all and your vlads is more expensive. I think at least one of your supports should get arcanes and if that's you they're fine as well.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 1, 2013 5:16am
What about a pair of Arcane Boots for the support Naga build? Also, You might want to substitute the Vanguard in the classic NA build with a Poor Man's Shield plus a Vitality Booster, which can eventually be turned into a Heart of Tarrasque.
BLEHnifty | April 25, 2013 4:40pm
Tried all the builds out. The armlet is rather nice, builds up real easy and is surprisingly effective. Never would have thought of it myself. +1
the_potato_ninja | February 23, 2013 3:16pm
I tried the Chinese build (linken's) and found it great. The early game regeneration followed by a boost to all skills is very useful mid game. I hope to try the other builds. Great analysis of how to play each build makes this the best naga guide on this site. +1
dark_fire | February 1, 2013 8:41am
i normally go heart with her after diffusal for damage and added slow. after heart, i would consider getting butterfly if the enemy is no where near monkey king bar. i've tried manta build a few times and it doesn't pay off in my view. might as well make my current illusion stronger than get more illusions.

her move speed is pretty fast too. yasha from manta is not needed. i understand some pro might like it. personally it doesnt pay off hard. manta is good on PL (similar illusion hero to naga) cuz his move speed is pathetic.

only my view and preference.

very good guild. although i would like to say tranquil and soul ring into rush can be used to rush any item when things went bad in her lane.

also daedlus isn't a bad item either. it transforms her into the old naga we used to know when she had critical strike instead of rip tide. back then any enemy would just melt instantly under naga's ensnare + illusion combo, naga just seemed like such a cheap hero back then.
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