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37 Votes

The MLG Guide to Terrorblade [Updating for 7.00]

January 12, 2017 by Terathiel
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RedMift | January 20, 2017 11:52pm
i may be wrong

but blink dagger is one of most viable item on TB, not as first item tho
but somewhere after manta and before/after skadi

good to blink in enemy's backlines of caster and support and ignore their tanks when clashing
Hamstertamer (89) | January 21, 2017 6:49am
Yes, Blink Dagger on TB is perfectly viable. But Hurricane Pike is just better.
Mystikal | January 13, 2017 7:20pm
IMO your build is nowhere near competitive as it doesnt use the most broken item in the game, Helm of the dominator, which the best item TB can get.
Terathiel (49) | January 15, 2017 9:52pm
HotD is basically an inferior Dragon Lance that doesn't build into anything useful, though - yes, it's cost efficient, but Terrorblade isn't a hero that looks for cost efficiency in his items because he makes his own space and farms extremely quickly. The regen is mostly wasted, and +20 attack speed/+6 stats isn't enough to justify setting back your item progression by 2k gold. While the idea of picking up an alpha wolf and walking around with +30% damage amp is tempting, it doesn't do anything for your illusions and the stats HotD provides are outclassed by both Yasha and Dragon Lance.

I'd need to test whether you could have a dominated creep if the item's in your backpack - if so, it'd be a good lategame pickup for an easy Alpha Wolf aura, but until then, it sets back your item progression, and doesn't give enough. Not every carry need build Helm to participate in the early game.
Mystikal | January 23, 2017 10:58am
The regen mostly wasted? what bracket are you playing in lol, it gives regen to you and your illusions so you never stop farming and attack speed too. you cant just farm at low hp and expect someone to come around so you can sunder
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kianmir | July 11, 2016 4:01am
Manic | May 4, 2016 12:14pm
Also there needs to be a video at the start of the guide so you can listen to Darude - Dankstorm while people read this dank kush flavored Mountain Dew guide.
Manic | May 4, 2016 11:54am
Just gotta say, ever since I've started using this guide, my terror games have been going great. I got positive every game, I'm usually the highest level, and pretty much every game I get an average gold per minute of 600 or better and XP per minute of about 700 or better. I agree on Saadi, but I feel like silver edge should be in the extensions. I've gotten shadow blade RIGHT after my travel boots for a few games and it works really well, then you finish up silver edge and since you have that extra damage, you'll be able to farm up to Manta swag easily. Also if you sunder and get back to full health, if you're getting swarmed and nuked by a full team because you're priority target because of all that dosh, the invisibility of silver edge is really useful for escaping. But that's just my opinion, try it out cause I think it's pretty good.
Hamstertamer (89) | April 26, 2016 4:53am
I think you can remove Sange and Yasha even from situational. Seems all but dead since it doesn't work on ranged heroes now.

However... Dragon Lance/ Hurricane Pike sounds super good on TB. Replaces Blink Dagger perfectly after manta/skadi, or even before. That's the one big buff to the hero in the patch IMO.
Terathiel (49) | May 2, 2016 10:26pm
I've removed SnY with absolute glee as I never liked it anyway. There will be a larger update to make everything prettier once I've finished all the work I've got for uni.
I will say, that while Dragon Lance sounds sick on paper, it's got the problem of 'where do you put this in your item build'. But yes, more on it in the update as I do think it can work.
Hamstertamer (89) | May 3, 2016 2:14am
Just rush 3x Band of Elvenskin from side shop to build later into yasha + lance. The buildup is awesome.
Hamstertamer (89) | February 19, 2016 12:27pm
I think you can leave Sunder at level 1. With the way TB's skills work right now, you want all your non-ultimate skills maxed ASAP, and you also want to skill stats for HP and farming speed (since more AGI and more mana = more illusions = more dosh).

Honestly I think the best build right now is 4/4/4/1 at level 13. Sunder really doesn't scale well beyond 1 point in it. Reducing the mana cost is not worth it since you buy skadi ASAP, and there's no reason you'd want to use it more than once every 2 minutes anyways.

Skill order depends on lane completely IMO. But for me 1 Sunder value point is the way to get the most of your skills.

You can max Sunder at ~level 18-19, in the late game, not before that.
Hamstertamer (89) | October 25, 2015 12:02am
OK fair enough, the max Conjure Image *is* the maximum dosh build, can't argue with the Dosh Lord :)

I guess I just didn't use the skill to farm early in the game and waited until illusions were sronger to clear camps on their own, like yasha and stuff. But true you can jungle with the hero and get CS in lane with illusions, so in this case makes sense to maximize dosh if you won the lane.
Terathiel (49) | October 24, 2015 11:46pm
I guess if your lane does blow **** harder than a succubus at a Western Sydney carnival it's worth considering, but to be honest I basically never encounter lanes that horrific - be it up to luck, or the fact that I'm always in a stack and someone's playing support. Terrorblade is a solid laner even with the standard skillbuild, as long as you have decent supports.

And while Conjure Image is his worst-scaling skill as far as a per-point basis goes, that's kind of like saying that Lamborghini is the worst kind of supercar. In general, TB is a rather passive Hero, and that's why Conjure Image is just so much better to max - because +30% base damage allows you to clear stacks faster, farm everywhere faster, kill faster, and rat faster. Having an illusion in the lane while you farm the jungle works better the more damage that illusion deals - for the sake of last hitting, of course.

So basically, it comes down to your micro skills; are they good enough that the bonus from the image will ALWAYS outstrip the utility of a much better Reflection? Or are you still learning the intricacies of the Hero?

One situation I would advocate a Reflection max is when your team simply cannot hold up 4v5 against the other team - in which case, max Meta and Reflection, get treads and try and swing fights.

With all this in mind, I might upload a few replays and perhaps cast them. I don't think I've got any at the moment (thankyou based Reborn... ****ing *******), but they aren't too hard to get.

Oh, one last thing while I remember it. If you max Reflection, then the reason you max Metamorphosis last is because of the downtime on it. If the cooldown scaled, then things would change... but as it stands, +30% damage is just too good. Also, why doesn't Conjure Image damage taken scale 425%/400%/375%/350%? 15 + 1.4 rip in pizza.
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