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Is this a bug but why didn't you level up your ultimate ability?
Thanks for catching that! Wow, I don't know why or how I could forget...
Well first of all, I don't see deso anywhere in the item build.
I actually wrote a paragraph on Desolator as an item after Basher, but I forgot to put the item in the build at the top of the page! Oops.
actually jungle lycan isnt his most played or best position. he farms pretty slowly in the jungle and even needs to spawn his wolves in the jungle
It really comes down to how much time you spend in the jungle, and how much time you spend in spawn regenerating. If I'm forced to return to spawn, I personally spawn wolves early to "pepper" a jungle in preparation for when I arrive, so I can regenerate my mana and health while somewhat farming.
If your team doesn't feed it's easy to snowball with Lycan, and as long as he stays safe jungling, microing wolves, he can snowball pretty well.
safelane and sometimes mid are better positions for him.
also you didnt include necrobook in your items? its so insane on him its not funny.
Second, Skullbasher is a flat damage item. Deso deals more damage, and works better for pushing.
It costs a bit less, but what you get is no penalty and no stun. If you're playing a kill Lycan (Skullbasher) you're going to be ulting to fight anyways. Why do you need basher in wolf form? If you're farming, why do you need basher? You only need basher if you're getting solo kills. Otherwise, armor reduction does more for your teams. If your lineup is half decent, you'll have at least one reliable stun.
What's your reasoning for basher? I would recommend adding a separate section explaining your item build.
You should probably add
Skull Basher isn't optional in this guide, it's a huge item on Lycan. I prefer Desolator because of it's reliability and lack of self-penalty, and generally you can get by early game without an armor-reduction item because you'll be farming/ganking rather than solo killing.
If you'd like to explain your reasoning I'd be happy to hear it! This is just my opinions, so if you can prove it's better I'll certainly take the pointer.
Thanks for the feedback! That link has a lot of good information, I really appreciate it! I'll certainly touch things up now lol